Brave of you to enlist to dive down into the depths of Trove without a second thought. I've heard it can take up to 5 minutes for a group of like-minded individuals to join. Once you get in there, make sure you stick with your group and help out where you can, and keep an eye out for the Daughter of the Moon.
Decide your own Adventure
You're so strong! It's up to you to decide what's next and figure out what's going on with the the Daughter of the Moon.
Now that you've proven your strength more and more folks will start showing up in the Hub with purple exclamation marks to give you Quests. Once you've found someone and accepted their Quest, open the Adventure Board [HK:ActivityTracker] for details.
Offer to help anyone with a purple exclamation mark and I'll hook you up with a Day of Patron! Patron gives you all kinds of benefits, from extra Chaos Factor to bonus Jumps. It will activate immediately, so be ready!
You're so strong! It's up to you to decide what's next and figure out what's going on with the the Daughter of the Moon.
Now that you've proven your strength more and more folks will start showing up in the Hub with purple exclamation marks to give you Quests. Open the Adventure Board in the menu [HK:NavigationMenu] for details.
Offer to help anyone with a purple exclamation mark and I'll hook you up with a Day of Patron! Patron gives you all kinds of benefits, from extra Chaos Factor to bonus Jumps. It will activate immediately, so be ready!
Reach Level 20 to Draw Marakeet to the Hub
Side Quest: Marketplace Expertise - Marakeet is a world renowned trader and will show up near the Marketplace bench if you reach level 20 Mastery.
Meet with Marakeet to learn about the Marketplace
Side Quest: Marketplace Expertise - Talk to Marakeet in the Trove Hub to learn about how to use the Marketplace to safely trade with other Trovians! You can find Marakeet standing near the Marketplace bench in the Character Corner.
Buy from the Marketplace
SQUAWK! Looking to trade? Based on a pop up I saw yesterday, other Trovians in your area are looking to trade too.
Use this scale next to me or press [HK:Marketplace] to SEARCH for something worthy of your hard earned Flux and then BUY it from another player. I'm always keeping an eye on the price of Credit Pouches myself.