Into the Deep
Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Dracolich bosses. They can be found inside dungeons.
前往冒險世界的永凍霜原(Permafrost)擊敗Dracolich Boss,可以在副本內找到他們
Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Dracolich bosses. They can be found inside dungeons. They're very scary.
前往冒險世界的永凍霜原(Permafrost)擊敗Dracolich Boss,可以在副本內找到他們,他們超可怖的!
Travel to the Cursed Vale Adventure World and defeat Death Knights. They can be found brooding inside dungeons.
前往詛咒山谷(Cursed Vale)冒險世界擊敗死亡騎士(Death Knight),可以在大小型副本內找到正在沉思著的騎士
Travel to the Desert Frontier Adventure World and defeat Mad Steamragers. The can be found inside dungeons.
前往沙漠邊境(Desert Frontier)冒險世界擊敗瘋狂蒸氣機器人(Mad Steamragers),可以在大小型副本內找到他們
Travel to the Fae Wilds Adventure World and defeat the Emperors of Wildwood. They can be found inside dungeons. FAE, FAE!
前往冒險世界的精靈曠野(Fae Wilds)並擊敗Emperors of Wildwood,可以在副本裡找到他們,肥(FAE)、肥(FAE)!
Travel to the Candoria Adventure World and EAT ALL OF THE... ahem, defeat Licorice Lashers. They can be found inside MY STOMACH... ahem, inside dungeons.
前往糖果朵拉(Candoria)冒險世界並把全部都吃掉..咳咳,擊敗甘草鞭(Licorice Lashers,紅黑色的生物),可以在我的肚子裡找到他們..咳咳,在大小副本都可以找到
Travel to the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World and defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans. They can be found inside dungeons. Ooga Booga.
前往侏儸紀叢林(Jurassic Jungle)冒險世界擊敗兩棲部落巫師(Amphibian Tribal Shamans),可以在大小型副本內找到他們,烏嘎噗嘎
Travel to the Dragonfire Peaks Adventure World and defeat Smoldering Dragons. They can be found inside dungeons. Beware of their firey breath!
前往冒險世界的龍火山峰(Dragonfire Peaks)並擊敗Smoldering Dragon,可以在副本內找到他們,當心他們的赤焰吐息!
Go Fishing
Any fish or boots will work!
為Muddy Old Boot釣起一些朋友