Into the Deep

You need to complete or abandon a Trovian adventure before you can accept another.

You can only accept one Geodian Adventure at a time. Complete or abandon your current Geodian Adventure to accept another.
你每次只能接取一個 Geode [桔歐德] 冒險任務,完成或放棄目前的桔歐德冒險任務來接取新的任務

Deepest Public Delve Depth
最深 Public Delve [公共掘獄] 深度

Public Delves Completed
已完成 Public Delves [公共掘獄]

Deepest Challenge Delve Depth
最深 Challenge Delve [挑戰掘獄] 深度

Challenge Delves Completed
已完成 Challenge Delves [挑戰掘獄]

Leviathan Slain
已擊殺 Leviathan [利維坦]

Your current class is in Trial mode. You can only use Experience Coins on unlocked classes.
你目前使用的職業為試用模式,Experience Coins [經驗幣] 僅能用在已解鎖的職業上