Into the Deep

Locked Adventurine Strongbox
Locked Adventurine Strongbox

Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open
[上鎖的冒險幣強擊箱]\n需要 Adventurine Strongbox Key [冒險幣強擊箱鑰匙] 來開啟

Empowered Fire Gem Box
Empowered Fire Gem Box

Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Fire Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
[火大寶石箱]\n開啟獲得 Radiant [光輝] 或 Stellar [恆星] 等級的火大寶石、Class Gem Key Fragment [職業寶石鑰匙碎片]、Class Gem Key [職業寶石鑰匙] 或稀有機率獲得 Prism of Light [光陵鏡] 或 Diamong Dragon Egg [鑽石龍蛋]

Open for a Radiant or Stellar Empowered Air Gem, Class Gem Key Fragment, Class Gem Key, or rarely a Prism of Light or Diamond Dragon Egg.
[天空大寶石箱]\n開啟獲得 Radiant [光輝] 或 Stellar [恆星] 等級的天空大寶石、Class Gem Key Fragment [職業寶石鑰匙碎片]、Class Gem Key [職業寶石鑰匙] 或稀有機率獲得 Prism of Light [光陵鏡] 或 Diamong Dragon Egg [鑽石龍蛋]

Defeat Lobstroso in 10 minutes
10分鐘內擊敗 Lobstroso\n[龍蝦.拉伯斯卓]

Defeat Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon in 10 minutes
10分鐘內擊敗 Timmense, the Powerful Pontoon\n[魟魚.提門斯.強大浮橋]

Defeat Ifera, Underlord of the Deep in 10 minutes
10分鐘內擊敗 Ifera, Underlord of the Deep\n[水母.伊法拉.深淵之主]

You may not join a club delve after it was created.

Players may not join a challenge delve after it was created.