Into the Deep
Troval Cooling Fund Donation
捐助給 Troval Cooling Fund [Trove冷卻基金]
Donations to the Troval Cooling Fund help fight Troval Warming and have a chance to provide goodies to the donor!
捐助給 Troval Cooling Fund [Trove冷卻基金] 來協助Trove世界對抗全球暖化,有機率給予捐助者好東西!
It gleams with power. Can be used at the Snowfest Table to craft complex Mechanical Creations.\n\nAcquired by defeating Snowfest Flamotrons, these gears will rust away after Snowfest 2019.
[達尼克齒輪]\n它微微散發著力量,可以在 Snowfest Table [霜雪節工作檯] 製作複雜的機械作品\n\n透過擊敗 Snowfest Flamotron [霜雪節火焰機器人]獲得,這些齒輪會在2019霜雪節結束後鏽蝕壞掉
Fruit Milk
Fruit Milk [水果牛奶]
Pine Butter n Jam
Pine Butter n Jam [松黃油和果醬]
Adventurine Strongbox Key
Adventurine Strongbox Key
Used to open Locked Adventurine Strongboxes
[冒險幣強擊寶箱鑰匙]\n用來開啟 Locked Adventurine Strongboxes [上鎖的冒險幣強擊寶箱]
Adventurer's Lunchbox
Adventurer's Lunchbox
Contains tasty snacks to boost your stats!