Going Green

Crafted material used to efficiently store large quantities of Flux.\n\nCraftable at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench or rarely found in Titan's Treasure Chests.
[大原晶罐]\n使用9999 Flux [原晶] 及小量其他素材製做而成的物品,用來高效率貯存大量 Flux [原晶],分解後獲得9999 Flux [原晶]

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 2 equipment.

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 3 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Twice-Forged Shadow Souls.
[3階鍛造暗影魂]\n透過分解3階暗影裝備獲得的稀有製做素材,亦可在暗影塔內的 Shadowy Market [暗影商店] 使用2階鍛造暗影魂製做而成

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 4 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Thrice-Forged Shadow Souls.
[4階鍛造暗影魂]\n透過分解4階暗影裝備獲得的稀有製做素材,亦可在暗影塔內的 Shadowy Market [暗影商店] 使用3階鍛造暗影魂製做而成

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 5 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Quad-Forged Shadow Souls.
[5階鍛造暗影魂]\n透過分解5階暗影裝備獲得的稀有製做素材,亦可在暗影塔內的 Shadowy Market [暗影商店] 使用4階鍛造暗影魂製做而成

Get the rarest tier of rewards from select lockboxes!\n\nLoot Collect to transform into a Golden Key, which works on Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.
[可交易黃金鑰匙]\n用來開啟所選寶箱的最稀有階級的獎勵!\n\n分解可獲得 Golden Key [黃金鑰匙],可用來開啟冒險、活動、礦物及寵物箱

Use to get the rarest tier of rewards from Adventure, Event, Mining, and Pet lockboxes.\n\nPurchased with Credits from the "More" section of the Store.
[黃金鑰匙]\n用來開啟冒險、活動、礦物及寵物箱的最稀有階級的獎勵\n\n按[HK:Store]開啟商城,在 More [更多] 分頁內使用 Credits [彩虹幣] 購買

Get the rarest tier of rewards from lesser gem boxes!\n\nLoot Collect to transform into a Golden Gem Key, which works on lesser gem boxes.
[可交易黃金寶石鑰匙]\n用來開啟 Lesser Gem Box [小寶石箱] 最稀有階級的獎勵!\n\n分解獲得 Golden Gem Key [黃金寶石鑰匙],可用來開啟 [小寶石箱]

Use to get the rarest tier of rewards from a lesser gem box.\n\nObtained uncommonly from Gem Booster Boxes or granted as a bonus when purchasing multiple Gem Booster Boxes in the Store.
[黃金寶石鑰匙]\n用來開啟 Lesser Gem Box [小寶石箱] 最稀有階級的獎勵\n\n從 Gem Booster Box [寶石加成素材箱] 罕見機率獲得,或是在 Store [商城] 購買數個 [寶石加成素材箱] 時以獎勵方式獲得

Crafting Material.\n\nFound rarely within ore nodes in most biomes.