Going Green
Crafting Material that is used to create terraformers.\n\nCraftable at the World Spring Bench.
[無限框架]\n用來製做地形轉化器的製做素材\n\n可在 World Spring Bench [世界轉化工作檯] 製作
Crafting Material that is used to craft mounts.\n\nHarvested from Steed Feed Seed, which can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.
[坐騎飼料]\n用來製做坐騎的製做素材\n\n透過收成 Steed Feed Seed [坐騎飼料種子] 獲得,[坐騎飼料種子] 可在 Gardening Bench [園藝檯] 製作
Crafting Material.\n\nGained through Gardening and from mushrooms found in the world.
Crafting Material.\n\nA common, purple ore found in most biomes.
Crafting Material.\n\nAn uncommon ore found within Shapestone, Formicite, and Infinium veins.
[原始火焰]\n製作素材\n\n一種常在 Shapestone [紫礦]、Formicite [藍礦] 及 Infinium [黃礦] 礦脈附近找到的不常見礦物
Crafting Material.\n\nAn uncommon ore found only within Permafrost zones.
[冰川碎片]\n製作素材\n\n只能在 Permafrost [永凍霜原] 找到的礦物
Crafting Material.\n\nA rare, golden ore found in most biomes.
Crafting Material.\n\nA unique ore found only in the Sky Realms.
[結晶雲礦]\n製作素材\n\n只能在 Ske Realms [天空領域] 找到的獨特礦物
Crafting Material.\n\nAn uncommon, turquoise ore found in most biomes.
Crafting Material.\n\nAn extratrovestrial mineral found in Jurassic Jungle zones.
[隕石塊]\n製作素材\n\n一種不常見的製做素材,只能在 Jurassic Jungle [侏羅紀叢林] 區域找到