Going Green

Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.\n\nAcquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).
[龍幣]\n用來在Hub大廳或任何地方的 Dragon Crucible [龍檯] 孵化龍,透過完成整點挑戰或是商城的 Dragon [龍] 分頁購買(按[HK:Store]開啟)獲得

Used to craft special items and mounts at the Radiant Dayspring.\n\nPreviousy earned by logging into Trove each day, these coins may not last forever.
在 Radiant Dayspring [光輝工作檯] 製做特殊物品及坐騎的代幣,每日登入Trove來獲得這特別的每日代幣\n\n此活動已結束,目前無法再獲得代幣

Crafting Material used to forge Radiant equipment.\n\nCraftable at the Dragon Crucible.
[純淨龍火焰]\n用來製做 Radiant [光輝] 裝備的製做素材

Crafting Material.\n\nUsually found growing in the Fae Forest, Medieval Highlands, or Cursed Vale biomes, but also obtainable through Gardening.
[附魔木材]\n常見於 Fae Forest [妖精森林]、Medieval Highlands [中古高原]及 Cursed Vale [詛咒山谷] 的製做素材,亦可透過園藝種植獲得

Forging Material.\n\nFound rarely as a drop from invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.

Crafting Material.\n\nDrops from Fae enemies, most commonly found in the Fae Wilds.
[妖精粉塵]\n透過擊敗位於 Fae Wilds [妖精荒野] 的妖精敵人獲得的製做素材

Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Ash Piles, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.

Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Plasma Condensers, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.
[原生質溶液]\n製做素材\n\n從 Plasma Condensers [等離子冷凝器] 收成而得,[等離子冷凝器] 可在 Gardening Bench [園藝檯] 製作

Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Unripe Fertilizer Heaps, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.
[高級肥料]\n製做素材\n\n從 Unripe Fertilizer Heaps [未成熟的肥料堆] 收成而得,[未成熟的肥料堆] 可在 Gardening Bench [園藝檯] 製作

Crafting Material.\n\nGain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.