Bomber Royale - Season 2
Originally obtained by successfully ranking in games of Bomber Royale Season One.\n\nCan also be purchased using Bomber Royale Coin: Season Two coins.
[炸彈殺硬幣:第一季]\n透過在第一季炸彈殺排行榜上榜獲得\n\n亦可以使用 Bomber Royale Coin: Season Two coins [炸彈殺硬幣:第二季] 購買
Consume multiple Ancient Dragon Souls to unlock Ancient Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Ancient Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
[遠古龍魂]\n吃下數個 [遠古龍魂] 來解鎖遠古龍坐騎!在 Ancient Dragon Cache [遠古龍箱] 裡稀有機率獲得,該箱子透過挑戰任務或商城獲得\n\n按[Y]在龍魂區檢視已經吃了多少個龍魂
Consume multiple Bone Dragon Souls to unlock Bone Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Bone Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
[骨龍魂]\n吃下數個 [骨龍魂] 來解鎖骨龍坐騎!在 Bone Dragon Cache [骨龍箱] 裡稀有機率獲得,該箱子透過挑戰任務或商城獲得\n\n按[Y]在龍魂區檢視已經吃了多少個龍魂
Consume multiple Starlight Dragon Souls to unlock Starlight Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Starlight Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
[星光龍魂]\n吃下數個 [星光龍魂] 來解鎖星光龍坐騎!在 Starlight Dragon Cache [星光龍箱] 裡稀有機率獲得,該箱子透過挑戰任務或商城獲得\n\n按[Y]在龍魂區檢視已經吃了多少個龍魂
Consume multiple Winter Dragon Souls to unlock Winter Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Winter Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
[寒冬龍魂]\n吃下數個 [寒冬龍魂] 來解鎖寒冬龍坐騎!在 Winter Dragon Cache [寒冬龍箱] 裡稀有機率獲得,該箱子透過挑戰任務或商城獲得\n\n按[Y]在龍魂區檢視已經吃了多少個龍魂
Consume multiple Moonwing Dragon Souls to unlock Moonwing Dragon mounts! Found rarely in Moonwing Dragon Caches, which are obtained through Challenges or at the In Game Store.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
[月翅龍魂]\n吃下數個 [月翅龍魂] 來解鎖月翅龍坐騎!在 Moonwing Dragon Cache [月翅龍箱] 裡稀有機率獲得,該箱子透過挑戰任務或商城獲得\n\n按[Y]在龍魂區檢視已經吃了多少個龍魂
Consume multiple Golden Hoard Dragon Souls to unlock Golden Hoard Dragon mounts! Available from Luxion when he appears in the Trove Hub.\n\nExtras of this Dragon Soul can be loot collected.
[金窖龍魂]\n吃下數個 [金窖龍魂] 來解鎖金窖龍坐騎!當 Luxion [金龍商人路西昂] 造訪Hub大廳時可向其購買\n\n按[Y]在龍魂區檢視已經吃了多少個龍魂
Radiant Aura: Winter Aura
光輝特效:Winter Dragon Aura
Radiant Aura: Stroke of Starlight
光輝特效:Starlight Dragon Aura
XP Day and Gathering Day are the only weekly bonuses recognized in the Geode Caves. The Geodian Council of Friends invites anyone in need of XP to visit!