Bomber Royale - Season 2
Before you can fight the Shadows here on the Topside, you're going to need upgrades. That means you'll need some Veridium and Nitro-Glitterine. You mine the Veridium and I'll provide the Nitro-Glitterine!\n\nVeridium can be found all over the Geode Topside. Mine Veridium for fun and profit!
在你可以於地表與暗影戰鬥前,你需要一些升級,那意味著你需要一些 Veridium [綠礦] 及 Nitro-Glitterine [硝基閃光礦]。去挖掘綠礦,[硝基閃光礦] 交給我來想辦法
That box was nice and all but let’s get a better gem. In your Claims [HK:Claims] you will find a Locked Water Gem Box and a Golden Gem Key. Use the Golden Gem Key on the Gem Box to get a guaranteed Stellar Water Gem!\n\nGolden Gem Keys can be used by clicking on the key icon inside the Gem Box window. The Locked Water Gem Box can only be opened with a Golden Gem Key.
寶石專技任務 3/45:那箱子還不錯,但讓我們找更好的寶石,按[HK:Loot]開啟獎品庫,你可以找到暗影品質的水寶石箱及一把黃金寶石鑰匙(Golden Gem Key),左鍵開啟暗影水寶石箱並點及小視窗上方的黃金寶石鑰匙圖案使用來獲得保證該箱子最高品質的寶物:恆星品質的水寶石!\n\n你的獎品庫可以按[HK:NavigationMenu]開啟選單
Upgrading Gems is great and all, but Gem Forges are where you can really control your Gems.
You can craft a Gem Forge at the Builder's Crafting Bench.
寶石專技任務 26/45:升級寶石好處多多,但寶石鍛造檯(Gem Forge)才真的是強化寶石的地方,在冒險者工作檯(Adventurer's Crafting Bench)製作寶石段造台
St. Qubeslick 2019 5/8: St. Qubeslick Clovers take time to fully mature. Check back at the top of each hour and give your Clover a little boost of luck with your Lucky Stars.
Remember, you can always craft more Lucky Stars at the Wheel of Seasons.
2019聖庫柏斯利節 5/8:幸運草需要時間來完全成熟,每個小時來看看生長狀況,並用幸運星來加快成熟的速度
St. Qubeslick 2019 6/8: Once your St. Qubeslick Clover is fully grown you can harvest it to gain a Lucky Clover. I've heard St. Qubeslick Clovers can be harvested more than once if properly cared for, give that a try.
2019聖庫柏斯利節 6/8:當幸運草成熟時就可以採收了!我聽說照顧得當的話,聖庫柏斯利幸運草可以收成數次,試試看吧
Ready to be watered in {0}.
Ready to be watered.
Water level: {0}/{1}
1x Locked Water Gem Box
1x Golden Gem Key
Activate the Cursed Skulls to summon the Delve Tier Boss
啟動 Cursed Skulls [詛咒骷顱祭壇] 來召喚掘獄Boss