Bamboo Dragon

Forbidden Spires Collections
Forbidden Spires Mounts

Lucky Lantern
Lucky Lantern

Sure to bring good fortune.

Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit
Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit

Natural armor harder than steel, Duraveln rides brave against onslaught eternal. Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +15% Max Health, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find.
鋼よりも硬い自然の鎧、Duravelnは永遠の猛攻に対し勇敢に立ち向かう。\n\nこのドラゴンのロックを解除すると、永続的に+15% Max Health, +500 Magic Damage, +50 Magic Findが付与される。

'Bad-Stalk' McSkulligan
'Bad-Stalk' McSkulligan

Finally, the culm-ination of years of bamboo-related mad science.

Successful Stalk
Successful Stalk

It comes to share an auspicious future with the people of Trove.

When harvesting Bamboo Shoots in the Forbidden Spires, increases the amount of Bamboo Shoots obtained, and slightly increases the drop chance of Bamboo Dragon Egg Fragments. The 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event must currently be ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen]).
Forbidden SpiresでBamboo Shootsを収穫したときの入手量が増加し、またBamboo Dragon Egg Fragmentsのドロップ率が少し上昇する。\nイベント「Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon」が現在アクティブである必要があります(/welcome screenを確認してください![HK:WelcomeScreen])