Reeling in the Stars - Hotfix 3

SSSimon ssslithers sssilently ssstalking sssinning ssscions.
SSSimon ssslithers sssstalking sssinning ssscions.

10% chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask. Grants a Balefire Dragon Egg Fragment when unlocked
フラスコ使用時にランダムなエンブレム効果を獲得するチャンスが10%増加します。\nアンロック時に Balefire Dragon Egg Fragmentを得る

Increases the chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask by 3%.

Increases the chance to gain a random emblem effect when using a flask by 3%. Grants a Caprian Dragon Egg Fragment when upgrading
フラスコ使用時にランダムなエンブレム効果を獲得するチャンスが3%増加します。\nアップグレード時にCaprian Dragon Egg Fragmentを得る

Talk to Murkwater Mark in the Hub
HubのMurkwater Markと話す

7/19: You're really getting the hang of it. So now that you've mastered the basics we can 'reel in' some help. Caw, get it, 'reel in', ka-caw that's a good one. Don't worry, the more you fish the more you'll like that kinda thing, it just comes with all the 'floundering' around, and it never goes 'trout' of style. Anyway, it's about time you found out about the Pond of Power. It's the, honestly ominous looking statue fountain thingy sitting next to the large blue crab creature in the Fishing Grotto in the Hub. Don't worry they're not too pinchy, but they can get 'crabby' from time to time. Before we use the Pond of Power you'll need some Trophies of the Depths, so talk to Murkwater Mark so we can buy some.
7/19: 本当にコツを掴んだようだな。さて、もっとたくさん'釣れ'るように、助けを'連れ'てくるか。そう、'釣れ'てくるんだ。カッカッカ!面白いだろ?心配するな。釣りをすればするほど、魚のジョークを'ヒラメ'くようになり'マス'。ともかく、そろそろPond of Powerについて知るときだ。HubのFishing Grottoにいるでかいカニの隣にある、正直不気味な形の噴水みたいなやつだ。あのカニは、たまに不機嫌で'カリカニ'してるから、'カッと'させてハサミで'カット'されないように気をつけろよ。Pond of Powerを使うのにTrophie of the Depthsが必要だから、Murkwater Markから買っておけ。

Waving Wings
Waving Wings

Faintly buzzing with aggressive affection.
Faintly buzzing with aggressive affection.

Heckfly Hovercraft
Heckfly Hovercraft

Fly through the water (or lava!) even faster than a heckfly.