November 2022
This limited time pack unlocks the Radiant Minichant, Firework Fins, Kami of Skittering Splendor, and A.T.M.O.S. D-R4CL1NG allies, the Mirrored Moth, Fireworks Feline, and Artistic Armchair mounts, and the Fancy Flipper, Fortuitous Rabbit, Face Changing Fighter, and Darkness Drakoneer Costumes.
Catch them before the new year dawns!
この期間限定パックでは、Radiant Minichant、Firework Fins、Kami of Skittering Splendor、A.T.M.O.S.D-R4CL1NGペット、Mirrored Moth、Fireworks Feline、Artistic Armchairマウント、 Fancy Flipper、Fortuitous Rabbit、Face Changing Fighter、そしてDarkness Drakoneerコスチュームがアンロックされます。 新年が明ける前に捕まえましょう!
Qubesly Plushies available now!
Qubesly Plushies available now!
Get your very own Qubesly Plushie - only for a limited time.
Get your very own Qubesly Plushie - only for a limited time.
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Qubesly Plushies available now!
Qubesly Plushies available now!
Qubesly Plushie - only for a limited time.
Qubesly Plushie - only for a limited time.
More information can be found on our official website and social media channels.
詳細については、公式ウェブサイトとソーシャル メディア チャンネルをご覧ください。