Shadowy Spotlight
Craft a Spirit of Bunfest sugarpetal treat
Craft a Spirit of Bunfest sugarpetal treat
Bunfest 3/6: Our bun-frens have been kicked out of their chocolatey den, Trovian! Their home gone and banner stolen! That is the tragedy I couldn't stand to tell you before. And not just by anybody... Shadows! However, we can craft a Delve Gateway to defeat the shadowy usurpers. But it requires the true Spirit of Bunfest... which is actually a candy treat! DON'T EAT IT THOUGH!
バンフェスト3/6:私たちのバンフレンはチョコレートの巣窟、トロビアンから追い出されました!彼らの家はなくなり、バナーが盗まれました!それは私が前にあなたに話すのに耐えられなかった悲劇です。そして、誰によっても...影!ただし、Delve ゲートウェイを作成して、影の皇位簒を倒すことはできます。しかし、それには真のスピリットオブバンフェストが必要です...これは実際にはキャンディーの御馳走です!でも食べないでください!
Craft a Bunfest Gateway at the Delve Workbench
Craft a Bunfest Gateway at the Delve Workbench
Bunfest 4/6: As long as you don't eat that sugarpetal treat, you can craft a Bunfest Gateway at the Delve Workbench here in the Hub. That'll lead you down into the Delves where you can find their den and recover the stolen Bunfest Banner!
Recover the Buntopia Standard
Recover the Buntopia Standard
Bunfest 5/6: Place that Gateway you crafted and get back the Buntopia standard! It might be difficult, but I know you can do it!
Defeat the boss of Buntopia to recover the Buntopia Standard!
Buntopia のボスを倒して、Buntopia Standardを取り戻そう!
Return the Buntopia Standard to Qubesly in the Hub
Return the Buntopia Standard to Qubesly in the Hub
Bunfest 6/6: Excellent work, Trovian! Bring the banner back to me in the hub and we can celebrate!
Fiery Friends
Fiery Friends