Hubdate Hotfix 4
Learn this recipe to unlock the Sliced Slider recipe on the Turkeytopia Table
このレシピを学んで、Turkeytopia Table の Sliced Slider レシピのロックを解除してください
Recipe: Floating Feastable (Mount)
Recipe: Floating Feastable (Mount)
Purchase and learn this recipe to unlock the Floating Feastable recipe on the Turkeytopia Table
このレシピを購入して学習すると、Turkeytopia テーブルで Floating Feastable レシピのロックが解除されます
Memento: Trotting Turkey
記念品: Trotting Turkey
Trotting Turkey
Trotting Turkey
Use [HK:Loot] to interact
[HK:Loot] を押してインタラクト
First floor goal: Defeat Mini-Boss
最初の階層の目標: Mini-Bossを倒す
Biome: Turkeytopia
バイオーム: Turkeytopia
First floor will contain a Mini-Boss