Into the Deep

Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Dracolich bosses. They can be found inside dungeons.
Permafrost Adventure Worldに行き、ダンジョンに潜むDracolichesのボスたちを倒す。

Travel to the Permafrost Adventure World and defeat Dracolich bosses. They can be found inside dungeons. They're very scary.
Permafrost Adventure Worldに行き、ダンジョンに潜むDracolich bossesボスたちを倒す。

Travel to the Cursed Vale Adventure World and defeat Death Knights. They can be found brooding inside dungeons.
Cursed Vale Adventure Worldに行き、ダンジョンに潜むDeath Knightsを倒す。

Travel to the Desert Frontier Adventure World and defeat Mad Steamragers. The can be found inside dungeons.
Desert Frontier Adventure Worldに行き、ダンジョンに潜むMad Steamragersのボスたちを倒す。

Travel to the Fae Wilds Adventure World and defeat the Emperors of Wildwood. They can be found inside dungeons. FAE, FAE!
Fae Wilds Adventure Worldに行き、ダンジョンに潜むmperors of Wildwoodを倒す。

Travel to the Candoria Adventure World and EAT ALL OF THE... ahem, defeat Licorice Lashers. They can be found inside MY STOMACH... ahem, inside dungeons.
Candoria Adventure Worldに行き、連中を全部たいらげ…ではなくLicorice Lashersを倒す。やつらは我が腹の中…ではなくダンジョンに潜む。

Travel to the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World and defeat Amphibian Tribal Shamans. They can be found inside dungeons. Ooga Booga.
Jurassic Jungle Adventure Worldに行き、Amphibian Tribal Shamansを倒す。ウーガブーガ。

Travel to the Dragonfire Peaks Adventure World and defeat Smoldering Dragons. They can be found inside dungeons. Beware of their firey breath!
火竜の峰アドベンチャーワールドに行き、ダンジョンに潜むSmoldering Dragonsを倒す。炎の息に気をつけろ!

Go Fishing

Any fish or boots will work!