Bunfest 2025 1/12: Trovian! Bunfest is here again and that means our friends have returned! Come greet our Hoppin' friends and me at the pavillion in the hub.
Greet Qubesly in the Bunfest Pavillion
Bunfest 2025 2/12: Each year Bunfest comes and each year we celebrate. My favorite part is hiding eggs all over Trove. I start hopping with joy whenever I think about Trovians finding the little things. Why don't you go out and find a few?
Eggs can be found in the Medieval Highlands, Fae Forests, Candoria, Frobidden Spires, and Geode Topside at Adept Difficulty (1) or higher.
Hunt for Eggs
Bunfest 2025 3/12: Trovian! There are Eggs all over Candoria, and not the ones that I placed! They're scrambling up all the fun, why don't you go and teach them not to mess with Bunfest.
Defeat Eggmen
Bunfest 2025 4/12: The eggmen have a leader, King Egon. Unfortunately there's a lot of 'King Egons' out there. Find an Egg Dungeon in Candoria and depose this would be ruiner of Bunfest.
Defeat King Egon
Bunfest 2024 5/12: Well done Trovian, but it turns out they're even in the Delves. Well we'll have to deal with that too. Head back to the Hub and craft any of the Depth Steppers, then head in there and defeat a few of these yolksters.
Defeat Bunfest Delve Bosses