Terraform a zone into the Cursed Vale.
<font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
ゾーンをCursed Valeにテラフォームします。
<font color='#ff3030'>注意:</font>これを実行するとゾーン内のすべて、そして隣接したゾーンの境界が破壊されます。
Cursed Vale Terraformer
Cursed Vale Terraformer
Style a zone based on the Cursed Vale.
Cursed Vale Styler
Cursed Vale Styler
Terraform a zone into Undead Tombs found in the Fae Wilds.
<font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> This will destroy everything in that zone, as well as the borders of adjacent zones.
Fae Wilds にある Undead Tomb にゾーンをテラフォームします。<font color='#ff3030'>注意:</font>これを実行するとゾーン内のすべて、そして隣接したゾーンの境界が破壊されます。
Undead Tombs Terraformer
Undead Tombs Terraformer