This charge is safety rated ONLY for use within Delves!

Depth Charge
Depth Charge

This charge is safety rated ONLY for use within Delves!

D-4 Charge
D-4 Charge

Loot Collect for a plethora of Inert Geodes!
大量のInert Geodeに分解しましょう!

Volatile Geode
Volatile Geode

Drink: Every 5 seconds, one enemy within 40 blocks becomes visible through walls. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
飲み物: 5秒毎に40ブロック以内の敵一体が壁越しに見えるようになります。 Delveで使用してから退出するまで有効性が残ります

Delve Tracker's Potion
Delve Tracker's Potion

Drink: Every 5 seconds, five enemies within 40 blocks become outlined in Aqua. Remains active until exiting the Delve it was used in
飲み物: 5秒毎に40ブロック以内の敵5体の輪郭が水色で見えるようになります。 Delveで使用してから退出するまで有効性が残ります

Advanced Tracker's Potion (Aqua)
Advanced Tracker's Potion (Aqua)