Blocks SLOW and increases HEALTH REGENERATION by 5,000 when in CHOCOLATE for 4 hours\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>You may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).</font>
4 時間の間、CHOCOLATEのスロウをブロックし、体力自動回復を5000増加させる\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>一度にアクティブにできるポーションは1つだけです。\nマーケットプレイス:購入時に自動消費 (1).</font>
Unlock: 'POTION: Chocolate Affinity'
Unlock: 'POTION: Chocolate Affinity'
POTION: Chocolate Affinity
POTION: Chocolate Affinity
Allows you to resist the Lure of the Deep Kraken for 4 hours\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>You may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).</font>
ディープクラーケンの誘惑に4時間耐えることができます\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>一度にアクティブにできるポーションは1つだけです。\nマーケットプレイス: 購入時に自動消費 (1).</font>
Unlock: 'POTION: Stability of the Deep'
Unlock: 'POTION: Stability of the Deep'
POTION: Stability of the Deep
POTION: Stability of the Deep
Augments your movement when in Water, making it easier to descend but harder to move & ascend for 4 hours.\nNot recommended for use outside of Water!\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>You may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).</font>
水中での移動力を強化し、4 時間の間、下降は容易になりますが、移動と上昇は困難になります。\n水中以外での使用は推奨されません。\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>一度にアクティブにできるポーションは 1 つだけです。\nマーケットプレイス: 購入時に自動消費 (1)。</font>
Unlock: 'POTION: Augment Buoyancy'
Unlock: 'POTION: Augment Buoyancy'
POTION: Augment Buoyancy
POTION: Augment Buoyancy
Transforms lava beneath your feet into walkable ground for 4 hours\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>You may only have ONE (1) POTION active at a time.\nMarketplace: Auto-Consume on Purchase (1).</font>
4 時間の間、足元の溶岩を歩行可能な地面に変えます\n\n<font color='#ffcf72'>一度にアクティブにできるポーションは1つだけです。\nマーケットプレイス:購入時に自動消費 (1).</font>