Green as the Verdant Veins, this Howlug gets its hue from eating ten times its weight in cave kelp daily! An insatiable appetite for an incorrigible scamp.

Fresh Howlug
Fresh Howlug

This Howlug, with its singular racing stripe, loves to slime circles around its kind. Though it's not actually any faster, it is no doubt a legend in its own mind.

Supersonic Howlug
Supersonic Howlug

With its robust coloring and spellbinding eyes, this Howlug is a beauty, only sparing a glance for the most vivacious of courtship dances.

Glamorous Howlug
Glamorous Howlug

This common jelotl is happy to meander anywhere, watering its environments as it jaunts from flower to flower, plant to plant.

Amber Jelotl
Amber Jelotl

When the Shadows came, many jelotl habitats were destroyed. This jelotl survived by masking itself in chaotic energy - a bright spot in a dark time.

Spectral Jelotl
Spectral Jelotl