Woven from pure Lunar energy.

Moonshadow Standard
Moonshadow Standard

Only Sundered Uplands citizens loyal to the Ashen Wastes are allowed to craft and equip this banner. Or anybody Ashen Wastes delegates happen to like...
Ashen Wastesに従うSundered Uplandの民がこの旗を作成して装備することができます。もしくは、Ashen Wastesの代表がたまたま好きな人も……

Ashen Wastes Loyalty Flag
Ashen Wastes Loyalty Flag

Only Sundered Uplands citizens loyal to the Cloud Layer are allowed to craft and equip this banner. Or anybody Cloud Layer delegates happen to like...
Cloud Layerに従うSundered Uplandの民がこの旗を作成して装備することができます。もしくは、Cloud Layerの代表がたまたま好きな人も……

Cloud Layer Loyalty Flag
Cloud Layer Loyalty Flag