Defeat enemies of the Resistors in the Luminopolis region of Neon City.
Neon CityのLuminopolisにいるレジスタンスの敵を倒す

This is an Agency Adventure

Formicite Ore is so tasty when paired with gumdrops, you need to try it! Formicite Ore Veins are blue in color and you can find them on or below the surface of Trove. Mine some up and you won't regret it.
Formicite Oreをガムドロップと組み合わせると最高に美味しいんだ、ぜひとも試してみてほしい。Formicite Oreは青色で、様々なワールドの地表または地下で掘り出せる。たくさん採掘しすぎても後悔することはないだろう。

These lands are cursed and I can't be free until all the cursed skulls have been taken care of. Please, knock one of them out for me Trovian, I beg of you.
その地は呪われていて、呪われし亡霊たちがすべて浄化されるまで私は自由になれないのだ。どうか私のためにダンジョンのCursed Skullを1つ浄化してきてくれ。お願いだ。

Clear a Cursed Skull Pile
Cursed Skullをクリアする

Shapestone ore, its everywhere in this desert! Shapestone ore veins are pink in color and you can find them on or below the surface of Trove. Mine some up, I'll make it worth your while.
Shapestone oreはこの砂漠のあちこちで発見できます。Shapestone oreはピンク色で、ここ以外にも様々なワールドの地表または地下で見つけることができます。

Inifinum Ore is looking mighty fine from here. Infinium Ore is yellow in color and you can find them on or below the surface of Trove. Mine some up to prove your worth.

Faerie Dust and Enchanted Wood can be found all over the Fae Forest and they unleash magic into the world when collected. Please, gather them up and let the magic flow!
Faerie DustとEnchanted WoodはFae Forestのあちこちで見つかるわ。不思議な魔力をもったそれらを探して、世界に魔法を解き放ちましょう!

Gather Faerie Dust or Enchanted Wood
Faerie DustやEnchanted Woodを集める

Fiery Feathers and Blue Dragonscales are hidden all over these breathtaking Forbidden Spires. You may be able to scare one up by knocking out the guardians that patrol this place.
Fiery FeatherとSagely Blue DragonscaleはForbidden Spiresのどこかにひっそりと隠されている。この地をパトロールする守護者を倒したら、貴重なアイテムを獲得できるかもしれない。