
Placeable in Club Worlds. A monument to the defeat of Flakbeard the Relentless. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Good to see you again, Trovian! I've made some changes to how you view the world, and I'll talk to you up here in the top right going forward. As you saw, Todstrom is working for someone, someone looking to collect souls, but why? Explore The Medieval Highlands to look for clues. The station next to me and the Sungoddess Statue is the Atlas. It shows the whole known universe. Use the Atlas or open the Atlas from the menu [HK:NavigationMenu] to visit a Medieval Highlands World and start exploring Trove.

Thanks for coming to see me, friend. I didn't want to say it from afar, but I was missing you. Do you see that bench next to me? The one with the present floating overhead? When you see that present, that means you have something to claim, check it out! You can always check your claims through the menu [HK:NavigationMenu].

Cubits are great, and you can earn more every day by completing dungeons and filling your Star Bar. You can spend Cubits on all kinds of things from Style Stashes to Dragon Coins. Head over to the store on the other side of the Sun Goddess Statue and see if there are any sweet deals waiting for you! You can also find the store in the menu [HK:NavigationMenu].

Ok, ok, enough shopping, its time to get back into the fray and save a life! I think you might be strong enough to withstand the cold of the Permafrost! Next stop? Permafrost! Well, next stop, Atlas, THEN Permafrost! Remember, you can get to the Atlas here with me in the hub or in the menu [HK:NavigationMenu]!

The Adventure Board here on the Landing Pad is a great place to figure out what to do next and track what tasks you've currently signed up for. If you offer to help folks with Exclamation points over their heads, the details of their quests will show up here! Right now, it looks like I have an Adventure to help my mom move, oh no. You can also open your Adventures Board in the menu [HK:NavigationMenu]!

Nice of you to help that guy out. You can use the Adventure board the Hub to look at your current adventures or look in the Adventures section of the menu [HK:NavigationMenu]. Take down more dungeons and keep an eye out for Todstrom. While you're there, do you see those really big Dungeons on the map, so-called '3-Star Dungeons'? I hear they have stronger baddies and better loot. They might be worth your while. I'll keep poking around the hub to see if I can find any more info about Todstrom.

You're so strong! It's up to you to decide what's next and figure out what's going on with the the Daughter of the Moon. Now that you've proven your strength more and more folks will start showing up in the Hub with purple exclamation marks to give you Quests. Open the Adventure Board in the menu [HK:NavigationMenu] for details. Offer to help anyone with a purple exclamation mark and I'll hook you up with a Day of Patron! Patron gives you all kinds of benefits, from extra Chaos Factor to bonus Jumps. It will activate immediately, so be ready!

SQUAWK! Looking to trade? Based on a pop up I saw yesterday, other Trovians in your area are looking to trade too. Use this scale next to me or the Marketplace section of the menu [HK:NavigationMenu] to SEARCH for something worthy of your hard earned Flux and then BUY it from another player. I'm always keeping an eye on the price of Credit Pouches myself.

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