March 2024
Key ingredeint for the extra-hearty Feast of St. Qubeslick at O'Lucky's Stones. Found by defeating Luckbeasts and Fluxbeasts in dungeons in the NEON CITY, LUMINOPOLIS, DESERT FRONTIER, and JURASSIC JUNGLE.
This might actually be Eightspice. Is salt a spice?\n\nObtained from Dungeons in the Treasure Isles biome, found in the Drowned World as well as other adventure worlds.
这实际上可能是八香粉,额... 盐是香料吗?\n\n完成浸末世界和主世界的宝藏岛生物群落的地下城获得。\n在圣克贝斯利活动结束不久后消失
It's bite sized and tasty!\nOnce eaten, allows you to see the otherwise invisible Luckbeast in the Jurassic Jungle!
A hearty meal perfect for any Trovian on the hunt!\nOnce eaten, allows you to see the otherwise invisible Luckbeast in the Jurassic Jungle!