
March 2024

Bunfest Chocolate is usually found hidden in eggs in the MEDIEVAL HIGHLANDS, FAE WILDS, CANDORIA, FORBIDDEN SPIRES, and GEODE TOPSIDE biomes.

A coin from St. Qubeslick''s horde, recovered from villainous pirates.

A fragment of luck sold by Sir O'Lucky. Can be used to purchase and craft rewards during St. Qubeslick.

'Looks valuable at first glance, but it''s just a pretty rock. Can be used to craft a recipe at the Radiant Dayspring during April Fool''s Day.

Eggs left to find: {0} / {1}

Unlocks a random Snowfest 2023 Collectable; Snight Light, Jingle Jammin, Rockin' Rollin' Rider, and Diamond Dragon's Digest.\n\nDeconstructs into Premium Snowfest 2023 Treasure Box, which always includes a tradable Snight Light, Jingle Jammin, Rockin' Rollin' Rider, Jingle Bomb, and Diamond Dragon's Digest

Pinzo's Pinsly!

Pinzo's latest scheme is on the fritz in the Sundered Uplands.

Spring Fling: Neon City

The Bees took haven in the Neon City, and the Waspiders have followed.