Hotfix Aug 23, 2019
Shadow's Eve 2019 4/8: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? No matter how you feel about those colorful little candies, they're definitely worth collecting at this time of year. Let's go get some! \n\nCandy Corn can be aquired from completing Pumpkin Dungeons. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Shadow's Eve 2019 5/8: Before you devour those sugary kernels of joy, did you know they're not just for eating? I prefer to turn them into other treats! Why not craft a Nightmare Mystery Box from the the Shadowy Station in the Hub?
Shadow's Eve 2019 6/8: Did you hear? Todstrom has shown his cowardly face again, this time in 1-Star Dungeons in the Cursed Vale!\n\nComplete 1-Star Dungeons in any biome. Toadstrom may appear in 1-Star Dungeons in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve, but his trick is your treat! Defeat him to receive extra rewards.
Clear Cursed Skull Piles
Shadow's Eve 2019 7/8: This land is cursed, Trovian. There are so many cursed skulls around I just don't know what do to. Clear them out for me, please!
Shadow's Eve 2019 8/8: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest down the road. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?\n\nDracolichs can be found as Dungeon bosses in any Permafrost biome.