Hotfix Aug 23, 2019
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: Mmm, pumpkin pie is the best! Plus you can carve jack-o-lanterns while it bakes.
Pumpkins can be found growing in large patches in Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve. They can also be grown and harvested through the Gardening profession. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
暗影之夕每日冒险:南瓜派是最好吃的! 另外你还可以在它被烤熟的时候雕刻南瓜灯.\n\n南瓜可以在暗影之夕的时候在诅咒峡谷发现大片的南瓜地.它们也可以通过园艺职业来种植和收获.(不能通过交易站或拍卖行获得)
Complete 3-Star Dungeons
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: I need your help searching for hoarded candy. I know they're hiding it from me!
Complete 3-Star Dungeons in any biome.
暗影之夕每日冒险:我需要你的帮助,寻找囤积的糖果.我知道他们在瞒着我! 在任何生物群落中完成3星地下城.
Earn a Bomber Royale Coin
Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: My friends prefer treats but everyone knows TRICKS are the best part of the season. Let's go cause some havoc!
Finish in the top 10 players in Bomber Royale.
暗影之夕每日冒险:我的朋友们更喜欢吃的东西.但大家都知道,恶作剧是这个季节最好的部分.让我们去造成一些破坏吧! 在炸弹大逃杀中成为前10名玩家.
Rewarded for completing a Shadow's Eve 2019 Daily Adventure.
Ethereal Explorer
From beyond the grave.
Flop the Phantolphin