
Make a Luminopolis Donation

1 Star, 3 Star, or even 5 Star dungeons, I don't care! I just want to see dungeons cleared of the evil that inhabits them.
1星,3星,甚至5星的地下城,我都不在乎! 我只想看到地下城中的邪恶被清除掉.

Complete Dungeons

ERROR, ERROR, N33D ROBOTIC SALVAG3. GATH3R FR0M R0B07S IN N30N CI7Y. 01010000 01001100 01000101 01000001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01001000 01000101 01001100 01010000
故障,故障,N33D SALVAG3型机器人.GATH3R FR0M R0B07S IN N30N CI7Y.01010000 01001100 01000101 01000001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01001000 01000101 01001100 01010000

Gather Robotic Salvage

I can't stand to see so many Glacial Shards just waiting to be mined! Dig some up, please. Glacial Shards are a white and blue ore that can be found all over the Permafrost.
看看这么多的冰川碎片都没人开采,我实在是受不了! 请挖一些吧.冰川碎片是一种白蓝色的矿石,在永冻界中随处可见.

Gather Glacial Shards

Catch some beautiful water fish for me, Trovian. Only real fish will count, I don't need another boot weighing me down!
寻宝者.抓几条漂亮的鱼给我, 只有真正的鱼才算数,我不需要另一个靴子压在我身上!

Catch Water Fish

Hey Trovian, Snowfest is a good time of year for someone who knows what's up. Do you? Let me school ya' a bit. Each year Present Dungeons pop up all over Trove, all full of fun stuff. If you're someone with skills you can clean 'em out and make a nice little profit. So how 'bout it? Easy jobs are the best jobs.