Find a Feather or Dragonscale
Have you seen the Sundered Ark-Caches? They show up when you complete a boss wave in a 5-star Dungeon, but you need a key to open them.
Open a Sunder-Ark Cache
Our Ashfern Sporelings have spread across the Sundered Uplands, Trovian. As they cleanse the land of its corruption, they grow and thrive! Collect them to help us complete our lifecycle and heal this land!
我们的灰烬真菌已经遍布断裂高地, 他们会净化这片土地时,并且会茁壮成长! 去收集他们来帮助我们完成成长的生命周期,并治愈这片土地!
Collect Ashfern Sporelings
Catch some heated lava fish for me, Trovian. Only real fish will count, I don't need another boot weighing me down!
寻宝者.钓出几条岩浆鱼给我, 只有真正的鱼才算数,我不需要另一个靴子压在我身上!
Catch Lava Fish
You look like a coward, kill one of the T-Rex roaming around the Jurassic Jungle to prove me wrong.
Fight a T-Rex, you coward
The Resistors have set up Donation Stations at the Adventure Outposts across Luminopolis. Please, Trovian, donate to one of the Luminopolis Donation Stations to show the Resistors we have your support.