Complete a Snowfest Tree Dungeon
Seek out a Snowfest Tree Dungeon and defeat the enemies at the top.
Yo bro! You look like you're the bomb at bombin'. How about you hop into Bomber Royale and show everyone what's up. If you can earn a coin at all I'll even throw in a bonus!
Earn a Bomber Royale Coin
Prove your worth and earn a Bomber Royale Coin in Bomber Royale.
Bunfest Daily Adventure: Donate to the cause Trovian. Help us fend off the Shadowy Buns by donating any excess chocolate you find at the Bunfest Bench here in the hub!
Bunfest Daily Adventure: It's not all Shadowy Buns and fighting. Sometimes you need to just have fun and enjoy Bunfest. Find one of Bunsly's egghunts and let loose a little.
Complete an Egghunt
Trovian! Snowfest is all about giving, so why not give? Donate at the Snowfest Donation Station and share in the giving!
Make a Snowfest Donation