Rising Tides

Forbidden Spires World
紫禁之巔(Forbidden Spires)世界 Uber-6

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Nightfall Difficulty (9) Adventure World, where a once mighty empire now lies silent, and yet their edifices remain in all their splendor.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入這個冒險世界,一個曾經強大的帝國現在沉默不語,然而他們的建築仍然保持其輝煌\n\n完成在這個世界上的地牢並取得Moon Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 1200\n建議等級 23-24\n\n按 [HK:Loot]

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Moonless Dark Difficulty (10) Adventure World, a land split in two by invading Irradiant Sky Giants. Warning! At all difficulty ranks, creatures in the Sundered Uplands biomes are significantly more difficult than neighboring biomes!\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入這個冒險世界,這是一個在破解之後合併的許多土地的混合物\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Moon Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 2500\n建議等級 25-26\n\n按 [HK:Loot]

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Uber Twilight Difficulty (12) Adventure World.\n\nComplete dungeons in this Prime world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入這個冒險世界(難度 Uber-9)\n\n完成在這個Prime世界中的地下城並取得Eclipse Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 10000\n建議等級 29-30\n\n按 [HK:Loot]