Rising Tides

Fae Forest World
妖精森林(Fae Forest)世界 Uber-1

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Uber Difficulty (4) Adventure World, where the races of Fae have turned their backs on the outside world to focus on a bloody civil war.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入這個冒險世界,Fae的種族在外部世界的背後聚焦在一場血腥的內戰中\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Shadow Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 250\n建議等級 10-11\n\n按 [HK:Loot]

Candorian World
糖朵拉(Candorian)世界 Uber-2

Press [HK:Loot] to voyage into this Shade Difficulty (5) Adventure World, where clashing confectionery civilizations vie for power and influence.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入冒險世界,在這裡糖果文明爭奪權力和影響力\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Shadow Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 400\n建議等級 12-14\n\n按 [HK:Loot]

Neon City World
霓虹城市(Neon City)世界 Uber-3

Press [HK:Loot] to beam into this Fallow Difficulty (6) Adventure World, where a technological singularity wrought the rise of the ruthless Robot Overlords to power.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
進入這個冒險世界,在這個世界裡,技術上的奇異性使無情的機器人霸主的崛起成為了動力\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Shadow Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 550\n建議等級 15-17\n\n按 [HK:Loot]

Jurassic Jungle World
侏羅紀叢林(Jurassic Jungle)世界 Uber-4

Press [HK:Loot] to travel to this Twilight Difficulty (7) Adventure World, a land unchanged for aeons until the arrival of a mysterious meteorite.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
前往這個冒險世界,這是一個不變的土地,直到一個神秘的隕石的到來\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Shadow Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 700\n建議等級 18-20\n\n按 [HK:Loot]

Dragonfire Peaks World
火龍峰(Dragonfire Peaks)世界 Uber-5

Press [HK:Loot] to brave this Dusk Difficulty (8) Adventure World, a land of fire and Dragons thrown into turmoil by a false prophet.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for Delve Shadowkey Fragments.
勇敢地進入冒險世界,一個虛假的先知使得火之國和龍群陷入無止境得動盪\n\n完成在這個世界上的地下城並取得Shadow Key Fragments\n\nPower Rank 900\n建議等級 21-22\n\n按 [HK:Loot]