Rune Anvil

Unlock Runes for bonuses and recipes.

Found in Adventure World Outposts or crafted from the Runecrafting Bench.


Upgrade Stone branch and then pick ONE other branch to upgrade.

Resetting the tree will cost 1 Soul of the Depths, invested resources WILL NOT BE REFUNDED.



Runecrafters must first fully unlock this rune before branching into other paths.

Name Description Rune Fragment

Resolve Unlocks the 'Unbreakable Runes' effect for DEPTH CARVER Runecrafters (300 Skill), which allows Runecrafters to prevent their Runes from breaking for 1 hour. 100
Perception Allows Rune Fragments to be found from creatures in The Depths delve biome. 100
Brittle Runes I Reduces the duration of the Hardened Rune buff--gained from breaking runes--from 60s to 53s. 125
Discovery Ore Runes now have an additional chance to grant Miner's Trove, plus a chance to grant Encrusted Runic Trunks when mining Deepstone, Lichenstone, or Runic Ore. 125
Brittle Runes II Reduces the duration of the Hardened Rune buff--gained from breaking runes--from 53s to 46s. 150
Devotion Doubles the duration of Metallic and Rippling Runes. 150
Brittle Runes III Reduces the duration of the Hardened Rune buff--gained from breaking runes--from 46s to 40s. 200
Repetition Shining Runes have a 5% chance to trigger an additional time. 200

Abyssal Smith

Abyssal Smiths focus on the craft of carving runes. They endure attacks of the Zephyr and Pyric through determination.

Name Description Soul of the Depths

Abyssal Essence

Depths Core

Rune Fragment

Restoration Unlocks the Restoration Rune recipe.   1 15 250
Abyssal Rune Unlocks the Abyssal Rune recipe.   2 20 500
Replenishment Rune Unlocks the Replenishment Rune recipe.   3 25 750
Endurance Rune Unlocks the Endurance Rune recipe.   4 30 1,250
Abyssal Breaker Runes that break grant an increase to your Stability, Maximum Health, and Health Regen.   5 35 3,250
Abyssal Slatesmith You have a chance to craft extra rune slates. 1 7 35 5,000
Abyssal Scribe You have a chance to craft extra leaflets. 1 9 35 7,500
Abyssal Runesmith You have a chance to craft extra runes. 1 9 40 10,000
Master Abyssal Smith Unlocks recipes to craft Rune Slates directly for Depth Essences at the Depths Runic Master rank.Also unlocks all Zephyr and Pyric Rune crafting. 1 9 40 12,500

Zephyr Seeker


Name Description Soul of the Depths

Zephyr Essence

Depths Core

Rune Fragments

Swift Rune Unlocks the Swift Rune recipe.   1 15 250
Zephyr Rune Unlocks the Zephyr Rune recipe.   3 20 500
Harvest Rune Unlocks the Harvest Rune recipe.   3 30 750
Abundance Rune Unlocks the Abundance Rune recipe. 1 9 40 1,250
Zephyr Breaker Runes grant essence when they break. 1 3 25 3,250
Zephyr Forged Runes grant additional Rune Fragments when they break.   5 35 5,000
Zephyr Tactics You have a chance to find Encrusted Runic Trunks when you defeat minor Depth enemies.   7 35 7,500
Zephyr Zeal You have a chance to find Encrusted Runic Trunks when you defeat major Depth enemies. 1 9 35 10,000
Zephyr Cunning Grants a chance to find Encrusted Runic Trunks when you open Surfaced Depths Caches and Runic Depths Vaults. 1 9 40 12,500

Pyric Soldier

Pyric Soldiers employ the power of Runes for what they believe their true purpose is, destruction.

Name Description Soul of the Depths

Pyric Essence

Depths Core

Rune Fragments

Focus Rune Unlocks the Focus Rune recipe.   1 15 250
Pyric Rune Unlocks the Pyric Rune recipe.   2 30 500
Pyric Breaker Runes that break increase your damage by 5%.   2 25 3,250
Pyric Drive Increases the duration of Condemn and Fury Rune buffs. 1 5 35 5,000
Pyric Resolve You gain an increase of 5% to your Health Regen and Stability while equipping a rune.   5 20 7,500
Condemn Rune Unlocks the Condemn Rune recipe.   7 35 5,000
Pyric Veteran You gain an increase of 5% to your Critical Hit Rate and Damage while equipping a rune. 1 7 35 10,000
Pyric Rage Runes that break trigger a burning flame that damage enemies around you for 5 seconds. 1 9 40 1,250
Fury Rune Unlocks the Fury Rune recipe. 1 9 40 12,500

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