Returning Players
Game Changes for Returning Players: We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a short time.
If you think something is missing and it should be here, let us know.
April 2023? (Fees and Felines)
February 2023 (Gunslinger Noscope)
November 2022 (Reeling in the Stars)
October 2022 (Boomeranger Blowup)
June 2022 (Sunrise)
May 2022 (Bomber Royale Season 3)
February 2022 (Shadowy Spotlight)
November 2021 (Polished Paragon)
October 2021 (Lunar Leap)
August 2021 (Depth Stepper)
June 2021 (Tune Up)
April 2021 (Chloromancer Regrowth)
March 2021 (Crack the Court)
December 2020 (Deep Dragons)
Extra additions to the delves grinding. New fragment based dragons, carpet mounts and a tonne of stylish boss themed banner styles.
Gateways have been added to allow you a more free approach to fight specific enemies for things you may be searching for, drops, styles, mementos.
- 2 new dragons obtained via fragments in delves and one via the Cursed Skylands world.
- Hexed fragments from robotic enemies in Amperia and Neon Underground delve biomes.
- Ironclad fragments from volcanic vaults boss chest.
- E.G.G fragments from Cursed Skylands dungeon chests.
- Multiple carpet based mounts obtained via talismans dropped in Understacks delve biome chest or the samplebooks alongisde decorative carpet flooring.
- Some Delve bosses have now been given some very rare mounts
- Delve Gateway portals can now be crated to fight specific bosses and each day the pool of gateways refreshes on the delve workbench in the hub.
- Additional Delve boss themed banner styles have been added. The memento of the boss and a huge chunk of Freerange Electrolytic Crystals are required.
September 2020 (Hubdate)
A fresh makeover for the general hub of Trove, each section catering to specific needs of the player. Signposts are located on each section to guide if you get lost at all.
The golden thread questline and tutorial get a brief revamp to assist new players who can progress much faster than previous years now and expertise quest NPC's will appear once enough progression is made.
- New visual style applied to the hub, each corner offering useful amenities such as crafting stations.
- Luxion now has his own grand hall located down the stairwell in the hub for when he visits.
- Tutorial questline restructured to assist newer players and offers revamped rewards which will speed things up for the first few thousand power rank.
- /getgemboxinfo or /gbi command can be used to track how many lustrous gem boxes have been obtained on Wednesdays.
- Mounts created on the mount taming bench are now auto unlocked so no longer craftable to trade.
- New banner styles added to give a bit more flair to your outfits.
May 2020 (Delves)
Jump, dive, and jetpack your way through semi endless procedurally generated cave systems. Reap the rewards at the end as you progress deeper through the depths. The higher the depth number, the more difficult to defeat the enemies become until you can no longer damage them through normal means.
- 3 Types of delve available. Public in the hub's delve building. Private and challenge mode are accessed via crafting portals at the bench or some that are drops.
- Public mode locks the class you are on for use but allows any mount. Private and challenge can freely change classes but can only use delve based mounts.
- Titan souls, Lunar Souls and Despoiled Divinity now come from the shadow vault in delves every 3 floors after depth 25. 6 per week is the limit.
- Enemies can drop Inert Geodes for msot delve based crafting and rarely Bidning Darkness for those wanting to make their gems more efficient.
- Enemies in each delve have buffs and debuffs which are found at the starting rooms on Deltaliths.
- The delve box at the end after a boss is defeated has a chance to drop a memento, an item for mastery and some crafting purposes. Biome ones only drop on vault floors.
- Mastery Rank stats reworked once 500 Trove Mastery is reached. Every 50 levels after this, 1 chaos factor is awarded.
November 2019 (Into the Deep)
Face off against 3 worldbosses on the Geodian Topside, the Leviathans. Each give a torch for the banner slot which increases your light stat and further benefit your stats.
Assist NPC's with some simple tasks at biome outposts for a chunk of exp and a chance at a locked adventurine box holding many costumes and allies.
- Leviathans drop a daily torch, combine 3 into a weekly torch which decays on Monday reset. Be extremely lucky and find a permanent torch.
- NPC's for outpost quests spawn at the worlds spawn point and randomly over the biomes, look for the outpost symbol on your maps.
- Locked adventurine boxes raarely as a reward for doing outpost quests, the keys cost 500 adventurine from the nearby merchant.
- Geode topside and caves adventure quests reworked for more exp.
- Club quests limit now reduced to 20 a day but rewards increased per completion.
- /adventurerewards command to check on your daily caps for quests.
- Reaching lvl 25 on any class now awards a class gem key.
May 2019 (Going Green)
Revisit and update your gardening profession. Grow new food items and gain a small extra buff by having them equipped.
Compost existing and new resources to get the necessary starting items. New gardening timeframe mechanics for watering and harvesting
- An everlasting watering can, an ally that harvest for you and tractors that can plant, water and harvest while you ride them are available to make this more effective.
- Blossoming Dragon fragments can be gained via bobble pods semi rarely.
- New bomber royale bomb skins based on the crop type can be obtained from harvesting crops.
- Plenty of new flower/crop based decor to be made including 7 vfx blocks types for build enthusiasts at the gardening bench.
- Tame eggs occasionally from geode cave critters which will guarantee to give that specific critter of a random rarity.
December 2018 (Crystal Combat)
- Crystal Combat Update
- Geode Topside Adventure Worlds (including new U10)
- 5-Star Dungeons
- Light and Dark Stats
- Cosmic Gems and gems can no longer break
- Crystal Rarity gear
- New Expertise Threads
- Trovian Atlas accessible anywhere
- New Star Bar rewards and can be filled multiple times
- New dragons Jhorondir and Phyconidia
August 2018
- Improvements Patch
- Bomber Royale experience gain has been tuned to award more active, aggressive play.
- Some experience is now granted based on damage done to other players, and the amount of experience granted for just staying alive has been reduced. Experience for each kill has also been reduced since it is now easier to get credit for kills on players who die from lava or falling.
- Kill credit is now granted to the most recent player to damage someone if they die from environmental damage or falling within 15 seconds.
- Clubs can now be reordered in the Club List.
- Two new dragons have been added to Trove!
- Typhandir, the Sundered Shield can be obtained by collecting Egg fragments from Dark Chaos Vaults
- Yzzuli of the Honeybreeze can be obtained by collecting Egg fragments from bee enemies
- Ice Sage has been re-worked; increased damage potential, Big Chill and Frozen Ward abilities swapped positions (Frozen Ward is now an Ultimate ability rather than second ability), and Pain Freeze class gem replaces basic attack rather than Ice Crash.
- An option to make cornerstones undamageable by bombs and abilities has been added to the Miscellaneous tab under Settings.
- Added an option in the Miscellaneous tab under Settings to set the minimum rarity of gear that will be picked up when holding the Loot hotkey.
- Players can now pick their displayed name colors from a list of earned colors. This list can be accessed next to the name on the character sheet.
- There is now a toggle on the box opening UI that allows players to open chests until a rare result occurs.
- Reduced the time it takes for cave critters to reward the player with Lesser Crystal Caches by approximately 75%.
- The Marketplace now has a Resell option.
- Plants will now grow in any season.
- A Chocolate Sponge has been added to the top tier of Gardening.
- Bomber Royale experience gain has been tuned to award more active, aggressive play.
June 2018
- Geode
- Geode is a whole new world with its own Hub. Players can teleport to this world through the Trovian Atlas or a Grode Portal at the SS Solidarity ship west of the Trove Hub.
- Travel through 3 new environments (Moonglow Grotto, Sunken Sunvault, and Verdant Veins) to gather resources, upgrade new modules, and meet a new set of creatures.
- Reliquaries are resource caches which can be equipped while exploring the Geode caves to charge them up.
- Reliquaries are charged up by feeding, healing, and comforting creatures in the caves.
- After a Reliquary is fully charged, take it to the Reliquary Revealer in the Geode Hub to open it!
- Modules are a new type of equipment that will assist progress through the Geode Caves. There are 8 modules, and all can be leveled 10 times. Leveled modules are more efficient in even the early cave tiers.
- The Geodian Acclimation System (GAS) controls how long the player can survive in the caves. Upgrading it allows for longer, deeper cave dives. When you're out of GAS, you're out!
- N-Charge powers the other modules - upgrade it to stay stronger longer.
- The Omni-Tool allows the player to harvest Geodian blocks and interact with cave creatures. Upgrade it to mine faster or further.
- The Climbing Claw allows the player to grapple to any location within range or to stun cave creatures. Upgrade it to travel faster or further and stun stronger creatures.
- Rocket Boots allow the player to hover or travel upwards to reach resources that might otherwise be difficult.
- The Thumper makes crystals and ore visible that would otherwise be hidden.
- Barrier Generator protects against fire flowers and other hazards.
- Path Painter allows for marking paths. While staying on a marked path, movement speed is increased.
- Companions are cave creatures who've been raised to assist the player in the caves.
- There are 8 types of companions with 3 different rarity tiers each with a set of buffs to assist players when upgraded at the Companion Trainer.
- Companions can be hatched from Bronze, Silver, or Gold Companion Eggs.
- Crystallogy is a new profession found in the Geode Hub.
- New VFX Blocks can be crafted from this profession. Add a range of vfx to a cornerstone or club world with these blocks.
- New Anti-gravity blocks can also be crafted from this profession. Add an airavator to a cornerstone or club world with these new blocks!
- A new Geode Biome workbench has been added to the Crystallogy Center. Recipe unlockers for the recipes on this workbench can be crafted via Crystallogy
- Geode has a new type of Mastery.
- Acquiring items from the Geode Caves, leveling Crystallogy, or leveling Modules will all grant Geode Mastery. (These all continue to also grant Trove Mastery.)
- New Leaderboards:
- Geode Mastery Points – Tracks total Geode Mastery points. The top 2000 players in this category receive a blue name color weekly.
- Total Mastery Points – Tracks combined Mastery and Geode Mastery points. The top 2000 players in this category receive an orange name color weekly.
- Weekly Companion Eggs Found – Tracks the number of Companion eggs collected on Geode.
- Weekly Adventures Completed (Excludes Expertise) – Tracks the number of Geode, Crystallogy, Event, Club, and Outpost Adventures completed.
- Weekly Bomber Royale Games Won – Tracks wins in Bomber Royale. Resets weekly.
- Weekly Bomber Royale Kills – Tracks kills in Bomber Royale. Resets weekly.
- Bomber Royale is a new competitive combat mode that can be accessed via a top level menu item.
- Up to 20 players can join in a Bomber Royale match, although the match will start 15 seconds after 15 players are queued.
- Players will start on a glass platform that deconstructs, eventually dropping them to the actual map.
- Bomber Royale maps are completely destructible and will randomly deconstruct themselves over time. The goal is to be the last player standing - literally!
- To accommodate the new items added in Geode, 2 new inventory tabs have been added.
- A module inventory has been added to hold modules for exploring the Geode caves. Players cannot directly interact with the modules in the inventory – but can upgrade them at the Mining Facility in the Geode Hub.
- The Geode inventory tab contains all the resources collected in Geode, including Companions.
- Revenant has been re-worked; increased damage potential significantly, Spear basic attack has increased damage and life steal, Spirit Spears damage based on Physical rather than Health and is toggle-able, and sub-class ability modified to give a percentage of character max health when dealing damage to enemies.
- Four new Dragons have been added to Trove!
- Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale can be obtained while mining Crystalized Cloud Ore found in the Radiant Ruins and Cursed Skylands worlds.
- Xendri, the Arc Tempest Egg Fragments can now be purchased from Level 3 of the Travelling Club Merchant with Adventurine.
- Cy and Sanguine, the Twin Plagues can be obtained from the Bomber Royale Merchant.
- Norari, the Wayward Spear can be obtained by collecting Egg Fragments from Light Chaos Vaults.
- Equipment upgrade costs for Resplendent, Shadow, Radiant and Stellar have been reduced! Shaper's Stars are no longer required for any upgrades at the Forge and shadow, radiant and stellar souls can be crafted at the Shadowy Market.
- The amount of Club Experience required for most Club Levels has been reduced.
March 2018
- Heroes
- A superhero inspired playable character has been added as a new class in Trove, the Vanguardian. Can be crafted or bought from the store. This class uses a new weapon type, Fists, and can switch between Melee or Ranged attacks.
- A new sub-biome has been added to Neon City called Luminopolis. With the introduction of the new sub-biomes comes new content such as:
- Outposts - structures that spawn with a Resistor Workbench and a Kami NPC that gives quests for Neon City and Luminopolis. Completing the quests grants EXP and Adventurine. 20 quests can be completed per day.
- Two new dragons have landed to match the opposing side trying to defend/conquer, Hoshizora, Luminary of Hope and Rhom-10, Dissent’s Roar. These dragons can ride on Mag Rails.
- New resources like Plasmium and Sentience Shards. Plasmium (along with other resources) can also be converted to other craftable resources like Circuits Circuts, Memory Matrixies, and Logic Loops.
- Neon City Scrap Cases - a new box that can drop from NPCs and chests in Neon City and Luminopolis, containing commonly found materials to the region.
- Players can use these new resources at the Resistor Workbench to craft the new Vanguardian class, 14 new allies, 7 new mounts, the Windtunnel Wings, 5 new tomes, 18 new frameworks, and a +50% Adventurine potion. There are also 11 new costumes.
- Rampage Challenge has been added to the pool of hourly challenges. During this challenge, players must fight off invading Gigastormers in Luminopolis. These bosses are similar to pinatas and only take 1 damage per hit, so players are required to go as a group to fight off the 3 new bosses. Rampages have 3 stages, each of which grant a Lesser Neon Cache.
- Several Badges have been added for completing Rampages.
- Beacons are a new craftable item that allows players to summon Gigastormers to their club worlds. Players who throw this beacon is given a Sentience Shard. Gigastormers spawned from a Beacon during a Rampage will count towards the Rampage.
- A new Utility Fixture has been added – the Beacon of Heroes.
- A new welcome screen has been introduced along with new and upgraded Daily Bonuses:
- Monday - Shadow Day
- Tuesday - Gathering Day
- Wednesday - Gem Day
- Thursday - Adventure Day
- Friday - Dragon Day
- Saturday - XP Day
- Sunday - Loot Day
- Dracolyte has been re-worked; increased damage potential significantly, Flamethrower basic attack will now convert slippery ice blocks into "charred" blocks for a short time, Dragon Idols now detonate after 6s, and Burning Ward allows Dragon Idols now spawn a Dracolyte minion 100% of the time.
- Level 30 costumes have been added for all classes.
- Flux costs have been reduced for crafting a Builder's Focus to perfect your gems (Rough, Superior, and Precise).
- New Map icons
- The Old Boot is now stackable. A new item can now be fished up, the Ancient Boot, which is completely useless, as the Old Boot was once intended to be.
November 2017
- Adventures
- New club UI to support Adventures, Fixtures, and all the new Club Permissions.
- Clubs can now level up as players complete adventures from the club. The club’s level controls what fixtures are available. There is a daily cap on the amount of experience a club can gain that scales with the number of active members.
- Heroes (Adventure NPCs) can be spawned at the Rally of Heroes fixture in a Club World and each Hero will remain spawned at the Rally of Heroes for a set amount of time. During their visit, they may fall asleep. These specifics may be managed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions. There are a total of 22 different Heroes.
- Completing Adventures grants a new type of reward currency called Adventurine and are used to buy loot from Merchants in the hub for a club's Traveling Merchant. Patrons receive a bonus 33% Adventurine. Players can complete up to 220 Adventures per day.
- Adventurine can also be used to convert to Clubits. to upgrade club Fixtures.
- Fixtures are buildings that can be placed in Club Worlds to unlock mechanics, buffs, and even loot chance increases. This only affects PvE gameplay. Fixtures can be purchased with Clubits from the Merchants located on the Trovian Clubit Union fixture and can be upgraded, placed, or removed by a Club Member with necessary Permissions.
- There are a total of 2 Base Fixtures, 6 Combat Fixtures, 6 Utility Fixtures, and 4 Ultimate Fixtures.
- Club ranks are now: President, VP (Vice President), Officer, Enforcer, Captain, and Member. The "Leader” rank is now known as “Vice President." The “Architect” rank is now known as “Enforcer.”
- A club may only have 1 President. If the President of a club becomes inactive for more than 45 days a new President will automatically be promoted based on VP activity.
- Framework recipes have been added to the Workbench, Forbidden Workbench, Haunted Workbench, Candy Workbench, Store, and Mastery Rewards. These new recipes allow players to craft and place entire structures in their Club World.
- The Forbidden Spires biome has been added with new recipes, frameworks, and ore (Cinnabar).
- Monsters in the Forbidden Spires biome will rarely drop Fiery Feathers which is used to craft a new Phoenix mount, Onbari, Empress of the Southern Skies.
- Panda Mounts can now be crafted on the Adventurer's Crafting Bench using Panda Talismans, which are rarely found in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The Spire Spirits Adventure Box can now drop from any world.
- Mastery rewards have been extended past Mastery Rank 300 with new rewards at 100, 220, 250, 260, 270 and above 300. This replaces Chaos Coins and players no longer receive Chaos Factor through Mastery.
- Above 300, players will need half the targeted Mastery Rank in Mastery Points to Progress. For example, 150 Mastery Points are needed to achieve Mastery Rank 301. 300 Mastery Points are required to achieve Mastery Rank 600.
- The bonus damage from each Mastery level has been reduced from .2% down to .15%
- New leaderboard Contests were added to include new objectives such as Flawless Ultra Runs, Weekly World Boss defeats, Weekly Club Experience earned, and Weekly Dungeon Clears.
- Removed rewards from Mastery Contest and changed to give "Gold/Yellow" name for top 2,000 players.
- New Badges for the Eclipse Update have been added!
- Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a new merchant that arrives twice a month in the hub selling items for a limited time in exchange for Dragon Coins. He will have some new items, some highly-sought items, and some timely goodies.
- Three new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Sarsaponia, the Pristine
- Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky
- Almakhestia, Host of Starfire
- Knight has been re-worked; increased damage potential, Smash ability reworked to gain taunt instead of stun and knockback, Iron Will reduces incoming damage to yourself as well as 7 other allies.
- Recipes for Radiant and Stellar rings have been added to the Ringcrafting Bench.
- Plasma Fishing has been added to Trove!
- A new type of block has been added - LED blocks.
- Completing the Star bar now grants 500 Flux in addition to 500 Cubits, or 1500 of each when in Patron status!
August 2017
- Eclipse
- The Portal Tower in the Hub World has been replaced with the Sun Goddess Statue along with the new Trovian Atlas, easy-to-use overworlds map that grants access to any world.
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via the Atlas spawn into the new Shadow Tower Foyer world.
- New gem stat augments and reroll system at the Gem Forge.
- Subclasses have been added for 15 different class related passive abilities. Each subclass provides a unique passive ability along with a stat boost! The effectiveness of the passive increases based on the active Power Rank of the subclass, while the stat boost improves based on the level of the subclass.
- Shadow Hydrakken shadow titan has appeared in the Shadow Towers. Players can fight this 5x snek wall after defeating the Vengeful Pinata God.
- Darknik Dreadnought Mk II shadow titan has appeared in the Shadow Towers. Players can fight Dr. Darknik's latest mechanical machination after defeating the Shadow Hydrakken.
- Titan and Lunar Souls now drop from Shadow Vaults instead of being directly awarded after defeating a Shadow Titan.
- Many new rewards have been added to the Shadowy Market for Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity.
- Elemental worlds now drop Key Fragments and Prime Worlds now drop about 50% more Key Fragments. Patron status doubles such drops.
- Daughter of the Moon has relocated to her new penthouse on the sixth floor of the Shadow Tower.
- Eight new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Indurion, the Unwavering
- Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift
- Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator
- Petallura, Nature's Beckoning
- Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver
- Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride
- Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls
- Olhukoi, the Moonlit Muse
- Fae Trickster has been re-worked; increased damage potential, Glitterbomb gains stun and removed knockback, Faerocious Facsimile Class Gem temporarily removed for a new class gem.
- Eclipse Pack is now purchasable in the store
June/July 2017
- Megalithic
- New daily loot rewards upon login. Players will be given a daily loot token that corresponds to the month it is given out.
- New crafting bench to spend daily loot tokens for each month, the Radiant Dayspring. Can be crafted at the Novice Crafting Bench.
- Login tokens will be purchasable for credits 2 months after the month the token was given out.
- New packs in the Trove store, the Mega Menagerie pack (Extra Life 2016) and Fast Fortune pack.
April 2017
- Depth Charge
- An all-new objective chain that grants Minerbot Qubesly ally.
- Credit pouches are now automatically consumed when purchased from the player marketplace.
- Credit pouches can now only be listed in the marketplace and not traded in other locations.
- Target Destruction minigame support added.
- Cooldown on dodge is now 1.8 seconds.
- 25 new costumes to the Chaos Core Crafter.
March 2017
- St. Qubeslick's Day!
- All-new objective chain that grants St. Qubeslick ally.
- Collect Tentacle Slices to craft the Tranquil Tentacle ally.
- Price changes to items in the Store.
- Credit Pouches purchasabe and can be traded in the Marketplace.
- Radiant Soveregins added as a bonus for credit purchases; can be used at the Radiant Merchant to trade for goodies.
- Limited time offers (Flash Deals) available for Credits.
- Packs converted from real money to credit purchases (does not include Essencial and Double Dragon packs).
- Items purchased from store cannot be traded.
- Brazilian/Portuguese is now Live.
- The lower stat value for all minor gems has been increased by 30%!
- Gems no longer can be found with only one stat, instead only spawning with 2 or 3 stats.
- Llama Talisman can drop in Adventure Worlds, used to craft Llamas.
- Corgi, Meownt, Shmeep, and Centaur Tallismans drop instead of mounts; mounts can be loot collected to talismans.
February 2017
- The Patch with No Name
- Music blocks, Mounts, Mag Riders, Wings, and Ships now work in the metaforge.
- Grants players 100 jump while in the metaforge.
- Valentines Day
- All-new objective chain that grants Amorous Archer costume.
- Heart Eater and Rosy Ravisher craftable in the Chaos Core Crafter.
- Portuguese is now in Beta.
January 2017
- Join the Party - Part 3
- Griffon Talisman can drop in Cursed Skylands, used to craft Griffons
- Refer a friend dragon now grants Power Rank and has stats
- Flakbeard
- Flakbeard dragon can be found in Treasure Isles
December 2016
- Snowfest / Get Crafty
- Chaos Chests can now drop when adventuring
- Chaos Chests can contain Chaos Cores which can be used at the Chaos Core crafter to unlock classes, costumes and more
- Crafting Materials now go to their own inventory tab
- Racing and Coin Collect minigame support added
- Join the Party Part 2!
- Added craftable Special Effect blocks
November 2016
- Join the Party!
- Pinata invaders that drop coins
- Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents dragon added
- Mastery rewards no longer apply to alpha and certain promo items
October 2016
- Loot Collector, Vault Clubs, Steam Workshop
- New appearance Loot Collector including buy back support
- Vault Clubs added
- Steam Workshop support for mods
- Shadow's Eve, Mods, and Dragonite
- Added .tmod format, in-game mod loader
September 2016
- Dracocolatly Day
- New chocolate dragon can be foundin the Candoria biome
- The Mighty Jungle
- Jurassic Jungle biome added
- Multi-threading support
August 2016
- Prehistoric Preview
- Dino Tamer class added
- Daily Loot
- Unsocketing gems now cost Cubits instead of Flux
- Daily Loot chests added
- Class Contests for the first few tiers now reward based on Power Rank not rating
July 2016
- Statistical Tuesday
- New stat leaderboards
- Revenge of Squeakers Edition
- Shadow Tower Normal tuned for solo players
June 2016
- Collections Edition
- New collections window
- Patron benefits updated
- Class Trial Edition
- You can now try out a class to level 4 before you purchase it
- Beta translations for FR/DE
May 2016
- Claims & Karma Edition
- Rewards from activities are now sent to a new claims window
- Navigation Edition
- UI Improved
April 2016
- Mantle of Power Expansion Launch
- Weekly contest leaderboards and rewards
- Mantle of Power
- Increased Max Level to 30
- Added Gems as new equipment for your character
- New elemental types of adventure worlds
- Ultra difficulty added to Shadow Tower
- New Stellar gear level
- Added preview to terraformers
- Ranged attacks deal some AOE damage now
March 2016
- Leader of the Block Edition
- Added leaderboards
February 2016
- Monkey Business Edition
- Added Lunar New Year Dragon
- Dragon Souls now crafted from Dragon Coins, souls removed from challenges
- Heart Attack Edition
- Power Rank added
- Defiance Crossover
- Game of Throne Edition
- Added Mimic blocks
- Now broadcasts rare loot you receive
- Alpha supporter names added to the game
January 2016
- Deathmatch Edition
- Allies appearance can be changed like weapon styles
- Equipment now shows Gear Level
- Added /bow emote
- Added shadow tower loot restrictions
- Starlight Edition
- Starlight Dragon now available
- Multiple Cornerstone Edition
- You can now have multiple cornerstones
- Battle Trophies are dropped by players
December 2015
- Flower Power Edition
- Added Chloromancer class
- Mastery rewards up to 300
- Added /getbattleboxinfo command
- Added club intra world portals, scaffolding and water blocks
- We created a Trove community Discord channel
- Battleverse Edition
- Added Collector's Pack, Creator's Pack, Radiant Pack and Battle Pack to the Trove Store
- Battle Arena now grants rewards
- You can create your own battle arenas that give rewards, you can use /testarena
- We created a translation tool, to allow creation of language mods
- We sent the devs some Trove T-Shirts
- Snowfest Event
- Snowfest Edition
- Winter Dragon added
November 2015
- Block Friday Edition
- Surveying tool and new terraformers allow custom arenas to be created
- Added Cursed Vale Terraformer
- Launched a Trovesaurus Club
- Battle Arena Beta Edition
- Added Battle Arenas
- Marketplace listings now expire
- Further improved projectiles
- Raving Revenant Edition
- Added Revenant Class
- Added Raving Revenant Class
- Improved physics on projectiles
October 2015
- Updated Refer a Friend System
- Bad to the Bone Edition
- Added Bone Dragon
- Can hide collected items on Marketplace searches
- Can now sort by unit price on Marketplace
- Added Trove Builds section
- Glim Life Update
- Added Player Marketplace
- Added Trove of Wonders
- Ladybug Invaders Edition
- Added Shadow's Eve Costume Pack
- Updated Welcome Screen appearance
- Added UI Scale to settings
September 2015
- Moonwing Rises Edition
- Moonwing Dragon added
- Trade system now uses two step confirmation
- Added Show Player Location to options, shows coordinates
- Rise of the Shadow Tower Edition
- Lunar Lancer class added
- Shadow Tower added
- Ancient Dragon Ascension Edition
- Added Ancient Dragon to Challenges
- Daily Dragon Soul rewarded
August 2015
- Chaotic Sugar Glider & Strike a Pose Edition
- Added /epicpose command
- Trove Lore Video Released
- Fat Fish & Flashy FX Edition
- Fish now have weights and can show on trophies
- Mouse wheel to rotate objects in build removed, shift and middle mouse now rotates
- Walk in build mode now on ctrl key
- Inventory Expansion and Combat Numbers Edition
- Can now purchase more inventory slots
- Floating combat numbers can now be shown
July 2015
- Lack of Class Changes Edition
- No longer need to visit Class Changer to change class, use J
- Can add offline friends to friends list
- Incoming friend requests shown at top of friends list
- Grumpntug moves on from Trove
- Neon Dragons Edition
- Neon Dragon added through Adventure World Challenges
- Dancing Allies and Server Capacity Edition
- Allies now dance when you do
- Increased capacity of servers
- Trove Launched on Steam
- Tomb Raiser class released
- Launch Is Coming Update
- Added EU servers for Adventure Worlds
- Click and drag for building blogs
- Mouse wheen rotates blocks
- Dungeon / Lair / Recipes visible on map and compass
- Added right-click to chat messages
- Mastery rewards up to 200
- Support for gamepads
- Deconstructor renamed Loot Collector
- Public Test Server (PTS) Announced and Launched
June 2015
- Preparing for Launch Edition
- Character sheet new UI
- Escape menu new UI
- Crafting Bench becomes Adventurer's Crafting Bench
- Removed V crafting menu
- ADvanced Forge becomes Enchanted Forge
- We released Trove Toolbox to manage your Trove Mods
- End of Beta Stress Test
- The New Deal Edition
- Inventory has a new UI
- Maps now have icons for biomes
- Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition
- Dragons introduced
- Challenges introduced
- Badges introduced
- New Uber 6 worlds
- New rarity Radiant
- Polish Edition
- Appearances now unique for each class
- Added a compass to the top of the screen
- Moving items now defaults to full stacks
- Right click equips and unequips items
- Summer Pin Edition
- Forging uses chests as well as inventory
- Higher rarity equipment deconstructs for more resources
May 2015
- Forge More, Better Edition
- Forging updated to be progressive instead of random
- Equipment simplified and in regards to forge level and stats
- Monster Bash Update
- New class - Boomeranger
- Flasks split into Vials and Emblems
- Boss monsters added new abilities
- Crafting now uses items in personal chest as well as inventory
- Added /fov command to set FOV
- More Boots More Fun Edition
- /joinworld *clubname* command added
April 2015
- Welcoming Edition
- Welcome screen added to the game, displays current daily bonus and news
- Added daily bonuses that rotate
- Video settings added: LOD, FOV, Bloom, Depth of Field, SSAO.
- Blitz and Glitz Edition
- Hotbar and star bar UI style updated
March 2015
- Fish 'N' Ships Update
- Chaos Factor Edition
- Chaos Factor, players at max mastery ranks can gain free chaos chests when logging in.
- Cookiephant Edition
- Players have 2 jump by default
- Added pirate store to hub
- /clearcornerstone added to reset cornerstone, items within it will not be refunded
- Recipe lairs only spawn in U1 adventure worlds and above
- Spring Edition
- New tutorial world added - can access with /tutorial
February 2015
- Everything Edition
- Hidden face and hidden hat appearances can be selected instead of using a command
- Liked Worlds screen on the menu or Y
- Club logs can be accessed with /club log *clubname*
- Take Flight Update
- New class - Shadow Hunter
- New area - Sky Realms
- New transport - Wings
- New profession - Runecrafting
- Added emotes
- Several character slots are class specific
- Do Not Disturb Edition
- /dnd do not disturb mode
January 2015
- Neon Nightcycle and Passive Crafting Edition
- Crafting continues even when crafting window closes
- Recipes can be deconstructed for blank scrolls
- Class Coin Edition
- Official trade channel added - Settings -> Social -> Join Trade Chat
- Back to Work Edition
- Recipe dungeons now drop biome specific recipes
December 2014
- Epic Snow and Ice Edition
- New class - Ice Sage
- Class levels are increased by each two star stat on equipped shadow equipment up to a max of 40.
- Flask Edition
- Flasks customizations on store, change behavior and size of flask.
November 2014
- Candy Edition
- New class - Candy Barbarian
- New biome - Candoria
- Ring Edition
- Ringcrafting Bench added
October 2014
- Costume VFX and Great Crafting Station Consolidation Edition
- Biome specific crafted benches and different workbenches consolidated
- Mastery Edition
- Mastery points for unlocking recipes, styles, mounts, pets, mag riders, costumes and leveling up professions and classes.
- Gardening Edition
- New profession - Gardening
September 2014
- Start of Beta and Ninja Edition
- New class - Neon Ninja
- New biome - Neon City
- Starter packs added to store, unlocks classes, skins, styles and mounts directly
- Style Edition (and the last patch of Alpha!)
- Styles added, adjust the look of equipment
- Styles can be learned by Style Saver - now Deconstructor
August 2014
- Slow PAX Week Edition
- /getworldid and /joinworld *id* commands
- New Dungeons, Some Lore, and Worldlink Edition
- /joinme *playername* command added
- Added craftable portals to club worlds
- Dracolyte Edition
- New class - Dracolyte
- Club worlds can be renamed
July 2014
- Mag Rider Edition
- Mag Rider and Mag Rails are craftable
- Dragonfire Peaks and New Inventory Edition
- Dragonfire Peaks biome added
- Inventory have two modes, Adventure and Build
- Drag and drop in inventory added
- Shadow Invasion Edition
- Shadow invasions added, occasionally npcs will fall from the sky
- New Dungeons, Some Alpha Edition
- Support for Clubs
- Say What Edition
- /s or /say to talk to people nearby
- PWN-E and Arena Polish Edition
- Players behind walls appear as outlines
June 2014
- Shadow Arena, Death, and Tutorial Edition
- Shadow Arena added, 8 player enclosed dungeon
- Tutorial zone added
- Music, Level Up Look, and Elysian Flask Edition
- Music blocks craftable
- Elysian Flask rechargable health potion added
- Pemblock and Recipe Lair Edition
- Added recipe lairs to adventure worlds - later changed to uber worlds only
- Hotbar Lookin' Good Edition
- Hotbar UI redesign
- Automatically move items from inventory other windows with right click, multiple items with Ctrl + right click
- Sporty Edition
- Balls added, items that can be hit and knocked around
- Fae and Folly Dungeon Edition
- New Fae Trickster class
- New Fae Wilds zones
- Character sheet shows abilities
May 2014
- Terraformation Edition
- Worldspring added, crafts terraformers to expand personal zones
- Dodgy Edition
- Added dodge (middle mouse button)
April 2014
- Chaos Forge Edition
- Chaos Forge added, it re-rolls stat numbers or stat types
- /renameworld added
- Forging and Flowing Water Edition
- Items can be Deconstructed for resources
- Items can be Forged which increases power
- Eco Spire and Passive Power Edition
- Passive abilities for classes
- Hide Your Hat Edition
- /showhat /showface toggle commands
- Craftable Com Chest, New Hairstyles, No Foolin' Edition
- /timelapse command to take screenshots over a period of time at a fixed location
March 2014
- Ultimate Ability, Homeworld Heart, Friends List, No Equipment Loss Edition
- Ultimate abilities added to classes
- Homeworld Hearts can be placed in worlds for people to interact with it and give the world props
- Added friends list
- Removed equipment decay
- Hats and face items are now drops
- Removed emblems
- Slippery Ice and First Phase Equipment Edition
- Equipment has core stats and one additional stat, if magic find triggers it gets a second additional stat
- Rainbow Tree Dungeon, Homeworld, Adventure World, and Personal Chest Edition
- Players have a personal homeworld - removed and replaced with club worlds
- Adventure worlds added
- Trading Post, Class Changer, Chest added
- Plants Have Loot Edition
- Plants drop items when destroyed
- More Ore Edition
- Ore veins spawn and can be mined
February 2014
- Persistent Equipment, Trading, Mining Laser, and Performance Edition
- Equipment and items now save between worlds and patches
- Equipment becomes destroyed over time - removed
- Basic trading system
- Welcome Back Atronos Edition
- Class abilities are unlocked with levels
- Get a Head Edition
- Characters heads can change
- Community Chest and Rare Drop Edition
- Rare drop decorations and trophies added.
- World Map Edition
- Added a world map
January 2014
- Gunslinger Edition
- New class Gunslinger - Ranged damage dealer using Pistols
- Musical Edition
- Music added

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hi my club has been stolen I worked so hard and now I'm not the owner pls help ive been demoted