Quest strings directly from the client.
Help Qubesly keep tensions low in the Sundered Uplands
Meet with Qubesly in the Hub
UP vs. DOWN 1/11: Trovian, I've got a conundrum on my hands. Delegates from the Sundered Uplands have come to the hub, but I can't figure out why they're here. Can you come help?
Meet the Sundered Uplands delegates
UP vs. DOWN 2/11: As perhaps you can see, two delegates from the Sundered Uplands are visiting for the first time. They're being mostly cordial to each other, but I won't say I'm not a little worried... Go introduce yourself to them!
Speak with Fungi Scrollpeddler in Sundered Uplands
UP vs. DOWN 3/11: Gave you the brush off? Me too. Maybe we should confer with the Fungi faction? Travel to the SUNDERED UPLANDS biome and ask a FUNGI SCROLLPEDDLER what is going on, please.
UP vs. DOWN 4/11: Well, according to our Fungi friends, this is some kind of election? And the delegates are known to accept food for their favor? Well, 'when in Uplands,' as they say... According to the Scrollpeddler, FUNGI THINGSHAPERS in Cloud Layer and Ashen Wastes outposts in the SUNDERED UPLANDS biome will sell the delegates' favorite foods. You should buy some of each!
CHOOSE a delegate to give FOOD to
UP vs. DOWN 5/11: Now that you've got their favorite foods, you'll have to pick a delegate in the HUB whose favor you'd like. Our Fungi friends say that you can only donate to ONE delegate per day, so choose wisely!
Equip an UP vs. DOWN banner
UP vs. DOWN 6/11: Are you ready to signal your temporary loyalty? When you donate food, the Delegate will help you craft a banner. From what the Fungi tell me, this Loyalty banner proves you're on their side.
Complete a Delegate Assistant's Task
UP vs. DOWN 7/11: With that banner equipped, you should be able to accept and complete a task benefitting the Delegate by-way-of their assistant.
UP vs. DOWN 8/11: A ballot? Now we're getting somewhere... Speak with another friend–the FUNGI RECIPETAKER–in Cloud Layer outposts in SUNDERED UPLANDS biome to get us more information.
Interact with an UPLANDS BALLOT BOX
UP vs. DOWN 9/11: So Cloud Layer denizens vote UP... and Ashen Wastes denizens vote DOWN? Always? ... I guess it's that simple. Might as well ROCK THE VOTE at one of the Uplands Ballot Boxes here in the HUB.
UP vs. DOWN 10/11: Well... I guess we just... collect more 'ballots'? By delivering food to citizens?... You know, I'm starting to think this might be some kind of census, not an election...
Return to QUBESLY
UP vs. DOWN 11/11: Great work, Trovian! The Delegates are both pleased with the vote turnout. They don't care about anything except rocking THEIR vote ...and delivering food. Return to me for your reward, and to see what the delegates helped me to engineer, thanks to the good will you generated!
Deliver food to CLOUD LAYER denizens
adventures - $adv_daily_september2024_daily_up_name
Deliver JUICY HAMBURGERS or ICE CREAM & WAFFLES to vacationing Sundered Uplands citizens from the Cloud Layer–vacationing all around Trove adventure worlds.
adventures - $adv_daily_september2024_daily_up_shortDesc
Denizens of the CLOUD LAYER are vacationing all across Trove adventure worlds, find one and deliver some delicious food to them!
adventures - $adv_daily_september2024_daily_up_description
Deliver food to ASHEN WASTES denizens
adventures - $adv_daily_september2024_daily_down_name
Deliver HEALTHFUL BROCCOLI or OATMEAL & FRUIT to intrepid Sundered Uplands citizens from the Ashen Wastes–exploring all of Trove adventure worlds.
adventures - $adv_daily_september2024_daily_down_shortDesc
Denizens of the ASHEN WASTES are exploring all across Trove adventure worlds, find one and deliver some healthy food to them!
adventures - $adv_daily_september2024_daily_down_description
events - $Event_september2024_name
Help Qubesly keep tensions low in the Sundered Uplands
events - $Event_september2024_description
Amazing work, Trovian!
events - $Event_goldenthread_event_september2024_11_claim
Great work, Trovian-friend! Have some exceptionally decadent desserts as a reward!
prefabs_claim - $Claims_september2024_adventure_up_reward_description
Great work, Trovian-friend! Have some exceptionally healthy breakfasts as a reward!
prefabs_claim - $Claims_september2024_adventure_down_reward_description
Irradiant Mechano-Glider
prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_sugarglider_september2024_up_name
Space-age materials lighten the load enough to stay aloft even without power.
prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_sugarglider_september2024_up_description
Resilient Waste-Wanderer
prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_iguana_september2024_down_name
Friendly, despite its devilish countenance.
prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_iguana_september2024_down_description
Slowpoke Hoverjet
prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_september2024_name
Designed and built by Qubesly, with help and support from citizens of the Sundered Uplands, and Trovians like you.
prefabs_collections_mount - $prefabs_collections_mount_rocket_september2024_description
Cross-Eyed Crawler
prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_duodrak_september2024_down_name
Beware, it has the eyes of both predator and prey.
prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_duodrak_september2024_down_description
Buster the Brazen Buzzer
prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_bee_september2024_up_name
Given its size, its metabolism is out of this world. Or at least it would be, if it were alive.
prefabs_collections_pet - $prefabs_collections_pet_bee_september2024_up_description
Cast UP Vote!
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_up_name
Affirm your loyalty to the Cloud Layer... or, SOMEONE'S loyalty, anyway...
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_up_description
Cast DOWN Vote!
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_down_name
Affirm your loyalty to the Ashen Wastes... or, SOMEONE'S loyalty, anyway...
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_down_description
Donate Delicious Burger
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_donate_hamburger_name
The Cloud Layer delegate LOVES delicious, juicy hamburgers. Donate one to earn enough favor that he'll speak to you.\n\nJuicy Burgers are sold by Fungi Thingshapers in Cloud Layer Outposts in the SUNDERED UPLANDS biome.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_donate_hamburger_description
Donate Healthful Broccoli
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_donate_broccoli_name
The Ashen Wastes delegate appreciates healthy, nutritious broccoli. Donate some to earn enough favor that he'll speak to you.\n\nHealthful Broccoli is sold by Fungi Thingshapers in Ashen Wastes Outposts in the SUNDERED UPLANDS biome.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_donate_broccoli_description
Deliver Oatmeal & Berries
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_oatmeal_name
Ashen Wastes denizens know the importance of a filling, nutritious breakfast ... no matter what time of day it is!
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_oatmeal_description
Deliver Ice Cream & Waffles
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_icecream_name
All Cloud Layer denizens absolutely LOVE Ice Cream & Waffles, no matter the weather!
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_icecream_description
Deliver Delicious Burger
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_hamburger_name
The best way to show favor to a Cloud Layer denizen is to give them a nice, juicy burger!
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_hamburger_description
Deliver Healthful Broccoli
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_broccoli_name
Nothing helps show your support for an Ashen Wastes denizen like healthy snack delivery!
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_deliver_broccoli_description
Donate Ashfern Sporelings
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_donate_ashfern_name
To help Qubesly figure out the ins-and-outs of the UP-vs-DOWN election, you can donate Ashfern Sporelings–used by Qubesly to show his appreciation to the more talkative Fungi denizens of Sundered Uplands.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_donate_ashfern_description
Proof of Vote: UP
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_receipt_up_name
Proves that the bearer utilized an UPLANDS BALLOT BOX to register a for for UP
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_receipt_up_description
Proof of Vote: DOWN
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_receipt_down_name
Proves that the bearer utilized an UPLANDS BALLOT BOX to register a for for DOWN
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_vote_receipt_down_description
Ballot: UP
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_ballot_up_name
A ballot signifying an UP vote for the SUNDERED UPLANDS election.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_ballot_up_description
Ballot: DOWN
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_ballot_down_name
A ballot signifying a DOWN vote for the SUNDERED UPLANDS election.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_ballot_down_description
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_refuse_up_name
This Delegate believes you are loyal to the ASHEN WASTES, not the CLOUD LAYER, and refuses to speak to you... at least for today.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_refuse_up_description
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_refuse_down_name
This Delegate believes you are loyal to the CLOUD LAYER, not the ASHEN WASTES, and refuses to speak to you... at least for today.
prefabs_item_crafting_events - $prefabs_item_crafting_events_september2024_refuse_down_description
Ice Cream & Waffles
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_up_02_name
Pure decadence. But you've earned it!
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_up_02_description
Juicy Burger
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_up_01_name
Truly, the denizens of the Cloud Layer in Sundered Uplands have perfected the art of grilling.
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_up_01_description
Oatmeal & Fruit
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_down_02_name
Nothing keeps you grounded like a healthy breakfast.
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_down_02_description
Healthful Broccoli
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_down_01_name
All denizens of the Ashen Wastes know: health builds strength.
prefabs_item_food_events - $prefabs_item_food_events_september2024_down_01_description