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The realms of Trove are varied, from the fiery fields of Dragonfire Peaks to the (chocolate-) dipped cupcake canyons of Candoria. Traverse every Trovian terrain in style with these tried-and-true tricks! Source:

June 30, 2015 Basics


Costumes are cosmetic skins that are class specific, altering appearance only. Some are unlocked as you level the game, others are found in boxes or in the store....

June 27, 2015 Basics


Boats allow travel on the surface of water, useful for navigating through Treasure Isles. To use a boat, first equip it and a Sail and then press 'G'....

June 26, 2015 Basics


A movement guide from Trion Worlds. Source: ...

June 19, 2015 Basics


A guide to mounting. No, not the .iso mounting… In this guide from Jeanolos we take a look at mounts, what they do, how to get them, how to use them and how to make them....

June 14, 2015 Basics

Flasks - Emblems and Vials

What are Vials? What are Emblems? How do I get them? How do I use them? What are some tips for using them? Jeanolos has put together a guide to answer these questions. How to Vial or How to be OP with Drinking...

June 9, 2015 Mechanics

Game Changes for Returning Players

We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a short time. If you think something is ...

May 31, 2015

New Player Tutorial Guide

Welcome to Trove! This guide will help you through the new player tutorial and introduce you to the basic elements of the game. If you are an older character you can visit the tutorial by using the /tutorial command....

March 21, 2015


Turkeytopia is a Seasonal Event that runs from November 25 to December 1. Buy [Turkeytopia Mystery Box] from the Goods section of the Store for Cubits or Credits. [Springing Turkey] [Turbo Turkey] Seasonal Recipes ...

November 27, 2014 Turkeytopia 2014 Event