We've put together a timeline of major game changes for returning players to help people get re-orientated with the game. It's also nice to highlight the pace of development and just how far the game has come in a short time.
If you think something is missing and it should be here, let us know.
June 2015
- The New Deal Edition
- Inventory has a nw UI
- Maps now have icons for biomes
- Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition
- Dragons introduced
- Challenges introduced
- Badges introduced
- New Uber 6 worlds
- New rarity Radiant
- Polish Edition
- Appearances now unique for each class
- Added a compass to the top of the screen
- Moving items now defaults to full stacks
- Right click equips and unequips items
- Summer Pin Edition
- Forging uses chests as well as inventory
- Higher rarity equipment deconstructs for more resources
May 2015
- Forge More, Better Edition
- Forging updated to be progressive instead of random
- Equipment simplified and in regards to forge level and stats
- Monster Bash Update
- New class - Boomeranger
- Flasks split into Vials and Emblems
- Boss monsters added new abilities
- Crafting now uses items in personal chest as well as inventory
- Added /fov command to set FOV
- More Boots More Fun Edition
- /joinworld *clubname* command added
April 2015
- Welcoming Edition
- Welcome screen added to the game, displays current daily bonus and news
- Added daily bonuses that rotate
- Video settings added: LOD, FOV, Bloom, Depth of Field, SSAO.
- Blitz and Glitz Edition
- Hotbar and star bar UI style updated
March 2015
- Fish 'N' Ships Update
- Chaos Factor Edition
- Chaos Factor, players at max mastery ranks can gain free chaos chests when logging in.
- Cookiephant Edition
- Players have 2 jump by default
- Added pirate store to hub
- /clearcornerstone added to reset cornerstone, items within it will not be refunded
- Recipe lairs only spawn in U1 adventure worlds and above
- Spring Edition
- New tutorial world added - can access with /tutorial
February 2015
- Everything Edition
- Hidden face and hidden hat appearances can be selected instead of using a command
- Liked Worlds screen on the menu or Y
- Club logs can be accessed with /club log *clubname*
- Take Flight Update
- New class - Shadow Hunter
- New area - Sky Realms
- New transport - Wings
- New profession - Runecrafting
- Added emotes
- Several character slots are class specific
- Do Not Disturb Edition
- /dnd do not disturb mode
January 2015
- Neon Nightcycle and Passive Crafting Edition
- Crafting continues even when crafting window closes
- Recipes can be deconstructed for blank scrolls
- Class Coin Edition
- Official trade channel added - Settings -> Social -> Join Trade Chat
- Back to Work Edition
- Recipe dungeons now drop biome specific recipes
December 2014
- Epic Snow and Ice Edition
- New class - Ice Sage
- Class levels are increased by each two star stat on equipped shadow equipment up to a max of 40.
- Flask Edition
- Flasks customizations on store, change behavior and size of flask.
November 2014
- Candy Edition
- New class - Candy Barbarian
- New biome - Candoria
- Ring Edition
- Ringcrafting Bench added
October 2014
- Costume VFX and Great Crafting Station Consolidation Edition
- Biome specific crafted benches and different workbenches consolidated
- Mastery Edition
- Mastery points for unlocking recipes, styles, mounts, pets, mag riders, costumes and leveling up professions and classes.
- Gardening Edition
- New profession - Gardening
September 2014
- Start of Beta and Ninja Edition
- New class - Neon Ninja
- New biome - Neon City
- Starter packs added to store, unlocks classes, skins, styles and mounts directly
- Style Edition (and the last patch of Alpha!)
- Styles added, adjust the look of equipment
- Styles can be learned by Style Saver - now Deconstructor
August 2014
- Slow PAX Week Edition
- /getworldid and /joinworld *id* commands
- New Dungeons, Some Lore, and Worldlink Edition
- /joinme *playername* command added
- Added craftable portals to club worlds
- Dracolyte Edition
- New class - Dracolyte
- Club worlds can be renamed
July 2014
- Mag Rider Edition
- Mag Rider and Mag Rails are craftable
- Dragonfire Peaks and New Inventory Edition
- Dragonfire Peaks biome added
- Inventory have two modes, Adventure and Build
- Drag and drop in inventory added
- Shadow Invasion Edition
- Shadow invasions added, occasionally npcs will fall from the sky
- New Dungeons, Some Alpha Edition
- Support for Clubs
- Say What Edition
- /s or /say to talk to people nearby
- PWN-E and Arena Polish Edition
- Players behind walls appear as outlines
June 2014
- Shadow Arena, Death, and Tutorial Edition
- Shadow Arena added, 8 player enclosed dungeon
- Tutorial zone added
- Music, Level Up Look, and Elysian Flask Edition
- Music blocks craftable
- Elysian Flask rechargable health potion added
- Pemblock and Recipe Lair Edition
- Added recipe lairs to adventure worlds - later changed to uber worlds only
- Hotbar Lookin' Good Edition
- Hotbar UI redesign
- Automatically move items from inventory other windows with right click, multiple items with Ctrl + right click
- Sporty Edition
- Balls added, items that can be hit and knocked around
- Fae and Folly Dungeon Edition
- New Fae Trickster class
- New Fae Wilds zones
- Character sheet shows abilities
May 2014
- Terraformation Edition
- Worldspring added, crafts terraformers to expand personal zones
- Dodgy Edition
- Added dodge (middle mouse button)
April 2014
- Chaos Forge Edition
- Chaos Forge added, it re-rolls stat numbers or stat types
- /renameworld added
- Forging and Flowing Water Edition
- Items can be Deconstructed for resources
- Items can be Forged which increases power
- Eco Spire and Passive Power Edition
- Passive abilities for classes
- Hide Your Hat Edition
- /showhat /showface toggle commands
- Craftable Com Chest, New Hairstyles, No Foolin' Edition
- /timelapse command to take screenshots over a period of time at a fixed location
March 2014
- Ultimate Ability, Homeworld Heart, Friends List, No Equipment Loss Edition
- Ultimate abilities added to classes
- Homeworld Hearts can be placed in worlds for people to interact with it and give the world props
- Added friends list
- Removed equipment decay
- Hats and face items are now drops
- Removed emblems
- Slippery Ice and First Phase Equipment Edition
- Equipment has core stats and one additional stat, if magic find triggers it gets a second additional stat
- Rainbow Tree Dungeon, Homeworld, Adventure World, and Personal Chest Edition
- Players have a personal homeworld - removed and replaced with club worlds
- Adventure worlds added
- Trading Post, Class Changer, Chest added
- Plants Have Loot Edition
- Plants drop items when destroyed
- More Ore Edition
- Ore veins spawn and can be mined
February 2014
- Persistent Equipment, Trading, Mining Laser, and Performance Edition
- Equipment and items now save between worlds and patches
- Equipment becomes destroyed over time - removed
- Basic trading system
- Welcome Back Atronos Edition
- Class abilities are unlocked with levels
- Get a Head Edition
- Characters heads can change
- Community Chest and Rare Drop Edition
- Rare drop decorations and trophies added.
- World Map Edition
- Added a world map
January 2014
- Gunslinger Edition
- New class Gunslinger - Ranged damage dealer using Pistols
- Musical Edition
- Music added