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Bunfest Station


Used to craft decorative objects.

Imported in Patch: March 31 Hotfix デザイン者: Trove Team

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Hubdate - PC Update - Sept. 22, 2020

Welcome back, with a bigger and better Hub than before! We hope you feel just at home with the new Hubdate released today on PC. The PC Hub update or "Hubdate" is filled with features you could have found through menus, but now have a physical form and ...

September 21, 2020 Patch

FAQ - Bunfest 2020

Our brand new Bunfest has just started in Trove! It ends on April 20, 2020 at the end of the Trovian day.In order to get us all into the Bunfest mood, the hub is decorated like Bunfest for the duration of the event!...

April 6, 2020 Announcement Bunfest 2020 Event