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Imported in Patch: Rising Tides: Release the Kraken! Designer: Trove Team

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Quest Chain - Rise of the Sunseeker- June 12, 2018 - June 25, 2018

Trovians! Sunseeker [npc=biped_hero_rowan] traveled all the way from the planet, Geode, to ask for your aid. Help him build the Solidarity, from Tuesday, June 12, 2018 to Monday, June 25, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. ...

June 12, 2018 Event

PTS Strings - Geode

We've generated a list of String changes from the current live client to Geode on PTS....

May 18, 2018 PTS Geode Strings

May Update - Database Update

We've updated the Trovesaurus DB to the May Update....

May 17, 2018 Database Update

Trove - May Update - May 15, 2018

Chaos Chests We have retired 20 collectables from the Chaos Chest chase prize list. These collectables will no longer drop from Chaos Chests or Golden Chaos Chests but will remain on the Chaos Core Crafter under a new category - Chaos Vault. Here...

May 6, 2018 Patch

Heroes: Database Update - Strings

We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Trove - Heroes update and detected the following new client strings....

March 27, 2018 Database Update Heroes Strings

Ланцюжок квестів - The Trials of St. Qubeslick - 13 Березня 2018 - 27 Березня 2018

The Trials of St. Qubeslick з Вівторка 13 Березня 2018 до Вівторка 27 Березня 2018 до 13:00 за Київським часом на ПК та Консолях. Complete the trails of this noble knight of the Sk...

March 13, 2018 Event UA

Quest Chain - The Trials of St. Qubeslick - MAR 13,2018 - MAR 27, 2018

The Trials of St. Qubeslick! from Tuesday, March 13, 2018 to Tuesday, March 27, 2018 on PC's and Consoles. Complete the trails of this noble knight of the Sky Realm! Header image by [user=32405]...

March 13, 2018 Event

Heroes PTS New Strings

We've compared the Strings on the PTS client with the Live client, here are the differences....

February 17, 2018 PTS Strings

Database Update - Joyous Heart Patch

We've updated the Trovesaurus database with the latest patch, see the article for listed changes to Collections, Items, Deco, Styles and Strings....

February 6, 2018 Database Update