Trove's Lead Engineer posted a reply to a thread in the PTS forum about concerns that players reports aren't being addressed. This follows on from several bugs introduced in recent patches.
Most notably the last patch introduced two bugs which were reported on the PTS forums.
- /epicpose not working reported 2 days before patch
- Rotated placed items reported 8 days before patch
It highlights a problem with the rapid pace of development that Trove is known for. These patches every week get very limited time on the test server before a deployment.
I certainly hope with the large patch around the corner with the Shadow Towers and Lunar Lancer that reports on the test server are able to influence the result that the public sees.
Posted by jonmcevoy (Lead Engineer)
Yes! These bug reports are incredibly useful. Like you all, we noticed we weren't giving enough attention to PTS reports over the last few weeks. We'll be more proactive going forward.