PTS Update October 16, 2024
Trove Forums
October 16, 2024 (updated 5 months ago)
- Bomb & dragon projectile block damage increased
- The Herald of the Kraken will now allow players (who have sufficiently progressed in the Kraken questline & with sufficient skill in Mysticism) to obtain BUFF: Augment Buoyancy
- Augment Buoyancy makes it significantly easier to descend when in Water, but more difficult to ascend and also applies a Movement Speed penalty.
- Players who are not yet Mastery level 5 will no longer be able to use the
ub ability until they've completed the Tutorial questline - New Tips added, and some were changed
New Accepted Player Submissions:
- Bullion Bully, a new Spear style from DakotaSpine!
- Wicked Wax, a new Spear style from DeSpare!
- Indecisive Indicators, a new Spear style from DeSpare!
- Litigator's Litany, a new Spear style from DeSpare!
- Skybreaker, a new Spear style from Tellador!
- Sunfury, a new Spear style from Tellador!
- Celestial Fury, a new Spear style from Tellador!
- Broken Vengeance, a new Spear style from Raghnal!
- Trouble Treble, a new Staff style from DeSpare!
- Augury of the End, a new Staff style from Punkmonkey!
- Whimsical Warstaff, a new Staff style from Arasolia!
- Corrupted Sun Staff, a new Staff style from BPsysOri!
- Ancient Guardian, a new Face style from Trovemaster2021XT!
- Fledgling Foregrip, a new Bow style from DakotaSpine!
- Dream Whisper, a new Bow style from Tellador!
- Giantslayer Gauntle, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Radiant Revetment, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Warbringer, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Forged Fist, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Blastflower Basher, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Void Shadowfist, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Shadowy Infineon, a new Fist style from Tellador!
- Glaring Glove, a new Fist style from M0tt4_!
- Lush Leaf, a new Stylish Texture Block from FutureHero!
- Cherry Blossom, a new Stylish Texture Block from FutureHero!
- Charred Magma, a new Stylish Texture Block from FutureHero!
- Foundation Brick, a new Stylish Texture Block from TheStimerGames!
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