For the next four weeks we invite the Trove community modders to create mods related to Sundered Uplands and Ashen Wastes for a chance to receive exclusive titles, credits and to have their items appear in Chaos Chests.


  • Submit Ally or Mount mods that fit the following theme:
    • Sundered Uplands - irradiant, mechanical,technological,shining,clean
    • Ashen Wastes - organic, creepy, crawling, moldy
    • combined Sundered Uplands and Ashen Wastes
  • Make the mod visible
  • Submit Mod to Developers
  • Add Mod to UP vs DOWN Modpack

Here is how you can submit your mod to the Trove Team:

Once you have uploaded your mod to Trovesaurus and made it visible, you will see a prompt at the top of the page 'Would you like to see your mod in Trove?', press the Submit Mod to Developers button.

You will then see a list of legal agreements and a confirmation of your in-game name, press the Agree and Submit Mod button.

Here is how you can add your mod to the UP vs DOWN Mod Pack:

View your mod page, click the Mod Packs navigation option.

Select the UP vs DOWN mod pack and press Add.


  • Information on the Sundered Uplands and Ashen Wastes biomes -
  • If you need any help with modding check out the #modding channel in the Trovesaurus Discord
  • You can submit more than one mod
  • You can submit a mod that fits any or all of the above themes
  • You can submit older mods of yours
  • You can add existing mods of yours that have been submitted in the past to the mod pack


September 2024 Event Rewards - click to view the database pages

Featured Banner - click to view full


  • Tuesday, September 10 - Thursday, October 10, 2024 (4 weeks)

We will try to announce winners by Friday, October 18, 2024, but it may take longer. Winners will be announced on Trovesaurus and on the official Trove blog.


All Entries

  • If your mod fits the theme Sundered Uplands you will receive a permanent title 'the Irradiant Hero'
  • If your mod fits the theme Ashen Wastes you will receive a permanent title 'the Ashen Reclaimer'
  • If you have submitted mods that fit both themes you will receive both titles.

Please note that if your mod does not fit the theme it will not be considered.


  • Mods chosen by the Trove team as winners will appear as Chaos Chest items at a future date
  • Winners will receive standard acceptance rewards (50 codes for their item and 10,000 Credits for Ally, 20,000 Credits for Mount - CREDITS ARE PC ONLY)

Rewards will be sent out before the winners are announced. You will receive a message using Trovesaurus Mail (which generates an email if you have settings to do so).

Please remember that we will use the Trove account name based on your Trovesaurus name, so please set this appropriately.


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