Dear Trovians,
We are excited to announce that we have added a new special fishing rod to Trove on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation platforms: The Tweeting Trawler.
Discover this NEW fishing rod NOW in exchange for either 8,000,000 Flux OR 500 Credits!
Why both Flux and Credits as a price?
Originally, we planned to only offer this item for Flux but we are aware that there is a deviation in the Flux economy among the different platforms, which is why we have decided to make this beautiful item available for both Flux AND Credits. While 8,000,000 Flux might seem like the right price on one platform, the price might be way too high on another. As we don’t want this item that we love so much to be only available to a select few, you will have the choice to obtain it with Flux OR Credits.
We are looking forward to hearing your feedback about the Tweeting Trawler on our social media channels and on our Discord server!
Best wishes,
Your Trove team!