3 years ago
12 entries
For the next two weeks we are partnering with the Trove Team to challenge our community artists to create Trove fan art that represents Lunar Plunge or the Wild Wolf Pack for a chance to win the pack.
- Create some Trove fan-art that either
- references the Lunar Plunge 2022 event
- or references the Wild Wolf Pack
- or both
- Upload to the fan-art gallery on Trovesaurus
- Make your art visible
- Enter into the Lunar Plunge 2022 challenge
Please don't use game screenshots or images from the internet.
- Tuesday, August 16 to Tuesday, August 30, 2022
- 1-3 winners will be selected to receive a Lunar Plunge pack on their platform (or Reward Tokens)
- 3-6 highlights will receive extra Reward Tokens
- valid entries will receive 1x Reward Token
Reward amounts are based on number of entries
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