4 years ago
25 entries

For the next two weeks, the Trove Team is challenging our Trove Artist community to create fan-art based on the Bunfest 2021 event. Submit your creations for a chance at the [Pastorial Picnic] pack.
Image credit: Meowser
- Create some Trove fan-art that references Bunfest 2021, some ideas include:
- Your character doing the quest steps
- Characters and NPCs involved
- Some of the collections unlocked
- Some of the pack contents
- Upload to the Trovesaurus Fan Art Gallery, make visible and add to the Bunfest 2021 challenge
- Tuesday, March 30 to Tuesday, April 13, 2021
- A handful of selected winners will receive a code to unlock the Pastorial Picnic pack
(if the user is on console they will receive 6 Reward Tokens instead) - Additional highlights will receive 2x Reward Tokens
- Valid entries will receive 1x Reward Token
Reward Tokens are spent on the Trovesaurus Rewards section to claim codes for collections or packs.
- Album with a few pics: https://imgur.com/a/0fFRHDc
- Quest steps and list of unlocks: https://trovesaurus.com/page=4528
- Pastorial Picnic pack: https://trovesaurus.com/pack=140/pastorial-picnic
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