For the next two weeks, we are challenging our community artists to draw some Trove fan art referencing Turkeytopia 2020, for a chance to win a Fowl Fancies pack.


  • Create some Trove fan art that references the Turkeytopia 2020 event that could
    • reference parts of the quest steps and your characters
    • or reference Diggly's Demise delves
    • or reference some of the new collectables
    • or reference some of the contents of the Fowl Fancies pack
  • Upload your art to the Trovesaurus Fan Art page and make your entry visible
  • Submit your art to the challenge by using the options on that page


  • Tuesday, November 24, 2020 to Tuesday, December 8, 2020


  • Valid entries will receive 1x Reward Tokens
  • Highlights will receive an additional 1x Reward Token
  • Winners (typically 3) will receive a Fowl Fancies pack for PC (console users will receive 6x Reward Tokens)

Valid entries must be your own creations, and legitimately "art" (no screenshots).

Entries will be judged by Trovesaurus guest judges and the winners will be announced a few days after the challenge ends.


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