This time on Club Leader Spotlight we visit PS4/EU and speak to TurtelHasArrive who leads The Remedy and HoMeowMeow.

Thanks a lot to Steedfeed who helped organise this interview.

What can you tell us about yourself and your club?

My PSN name is TurtelHasArrive, I'm a competitive player and leader of clubs The Remedy and HoMeowMeow on PS4 EU servers.

The Remedy is 33k+ PR club that aims to group only the very top players together, I received this club from the previous owner and top player Shiri97 who made it what it is.

HoMeowMeow is a club with absolutely no requirements and functions as more of a stepping stone for newer players without buffs, I built and levelled this club with help from members and friends I made along the way and received it a very long time ago from the player iasonguru.

Where does your character name and club name come from?

I wanted a name that was unique but at the same time made sense and didn't look like I was trying too hard, not something like xXLegend-QuickscoperXx or along those lines. But as Turtel was taken I did have to make an adjustment, so instead of just having numbers at the end like I previously did, I made it TurtelHasArrive, this has some comedic value for me and is quite an obscure reference to certain images of a funny yellow dog. 

The Remedy's name comes from the goal of the club to make a community that was more about the game and being a community, not some dictatorship where you could be kicked or attacked for having an opinion.

As for HoMeowMeow, it's just a funny inside joke between me and some friends, a lot dislike it but that doesn't bother me.

What's your favourite part of Trove? What keeps you coming back?

New content will always have me coming back to keep up, whilst I've mostly stopped caring about mastery I do want to be somewhere up there and be very capable of top content, which leads to my favourite part of Trove, which is currently speedruns and will become the delve challenge leaderboard when it arrives on console. I enjoy speedruns as I'm quite competitive and this is the most competitive thing you could do in Trove, I enjoy the strategy and teamwork involved and will always hop on if my team decides to pull together to do some runs.

How did your club start out? and when did you start being responsible for it?

Shiri97 gave me the club when he stopped playing in October 2019 along with pretty much all of his possessions, there is actually a video of this on his youtube under the same name. Since then nothing has really changed aside from the club is a bit looser on ruling as I like to allow people to
speak their mind without fear of being removed from the club.

Have you managed clubs/guilds in other games?


What motivates you to continue managing a community on Trove?

I enjoy the leadership, I want to be someone people can come to with questions and problems that I can possibly answer, I also don't really trust anyone else in this position who also wants to be a leader.

Which other clubs would you like to highlight and why?

One club that I would like to highlight is J Diz84 Crew which is a club I was part of for a very long time, I quite like the leaders who are reasonable and respectable people who put a LOT of effort into their club. The club itself has always had quite a unique community with a group of people that aren't found elsewhere, the club is also mostly family-friendly and this results in a very chilled club with not much going on.

What is the most challenging thing about running a community on Trove?

Trying to keep people happy and remain neutral, as leader every action you take is seen and can have a lot more consequence, when there's a problem between players or even the club, no matter what you do someone probably won't be happy about it and will likely even hold it against you.

Are there any club members or particular builds in your club world you would like to highlight and why?

The Remedy has quite a nice garden which makes up the majority of the club's scenery, it was built by the player EpicDuck15 who plays on the NA server, the garden features statues of players who are/were in the club who had some sort of impact or were friends with the leaders of the club. 

A member of the club I want to highlight is Paxin45x, a friend who has been apart of my journey for a long time and joined me in HoMeowMeow, before coming to Remedy after I gained leadership. Whilst he doesn't play much now he's helped me so much with running my clubs, building advice, and just being someone to talk to. HoMeowMeow which he helped with building, is mostly my work and is designed by me,
I'm not entirely happy with how it looks, but it is still a decent looking club and I take pride in that.

How do you like the current Club Building and Management tools and what would you like to change?

Club building does have things that help like being able to place multiple blocks and ways to remove large amounts of blocks, but there are things that could really help with building like tools to copy and place large amounts of blocks in certain shapes with certain dimensions quite like how WorldEdit is used within Minecraft.

As for club management itself there is plenty that can be done and it's easy to manage members, one minor thing I could suggest is a search feature to find members within the club, as scrolling through all the members in a large club can be quite time-consuming.

How do you find the Club Adventures and Fixtures?

The club adventures are in a good spot currently but I think should be made more accessible, having to go back and forth from a club isn't enjoyable and takes some effort. There's not much to say about the fixtures, the same ones are used within all clubs and are pretty much essential, having more diverse and useful fixtures may be good but it's no big deal.

What advice would you give to people looking for a Club or thinking of starting a new Club?

For people who are searching for a club, just try all of them, don't be afraid to leave clubs, there may some out there completely unlike the others with helpful people and friends to be made.

As for new leaders, make friends and talk a lot, this is the key to keeping people in your club, these people can also help grow it. When it comes to levelling, don't bother with placing every fixture possible when they're available, just utilise the merchant and repose fixtures whilst upgrading the Rally of Heroes and Clubit Union. Once you can place down all the fixtures people want at level 10 do it, people will then be very interested in your club and it should be easy to grow in size with little intervention.

Is there anything Trovesaurus can do more to help support your club?

Just highlighting my clubs, I really love the opportunity Trovesaurus gives to club leaders to give an insight into their thoughts and allow other players to get an idea of what the leader's clubs are like.

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Thanks Etaew and Steedfeed! laughing