Feeling eager to jump into a new event this spring? Lucky for you Trovian, we’ve got you covered! St. Qubeslick is so extraordinary that you can magically turn your friends green – and possibly green with envy. Hedge your bets and be sure to log in each day from March 10 until March 24 to automatically get amazing daily rewards!

Sir Lanci-hop the Lucky Leaper Ally and Shamrockin’ Slinger Costume

Complete an all-new adventure chain and watch your very own frog ally, Sir Lanci-hop the Lucky Leaper, spring into action with you! Sir Lanci-hop can also be unlocked as part of the new Clover Collection, along with exclusive new costumes, mounts, and an adorable ally.

Squatty the Squire Ally and Tricksie Pixie Costume

Clover Collection (3000 credits) contains:

  • Shamrock Slinger – Gun Slinger Costume – pack only!
  • Tricksie Pixie – Fae Trickster Costume – pack only!
  • Avalon, the Happy Accident – Mount – pack only!
  • 4-Wheeled Clover – Mount – pack only!
  • Squatty the Squire – Ally – pack only!
  • Sir Lanci-hop the Lucky Leaper – Ally

Prepare to get dungeon diving as Lucky Dust 2020 has a chance to drop from all dungeon and lair chests during the event.  Collected Lucky Dust can be used to craft new and improved St. Qubeslick Clover Seeds 2020, which can turn into strong, independent Lucky Clover plants that don’t need no water. Use Lucky Clovers to temporarily increase Magic Find by 50.

Lucky Dust can also be used to craft all new Lucky Stars! With a Lucky Star, the thrower and seven nearby players will temporarily turn green along with a sweet increase in Magic Find by 25. Time to go get gathering and go green!

Happy St. Qubeslick everyone!

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