Defeat invading Dream Gobblers and learn Qubeslies family recipe for Turkofu Cornucopia from Tuesday, November 19, 2019 to Monday, December 02, 2019 on PC's and Consoles.
#1/6: Collect Turkofu (15)
Turkeytopia 2019 1/6: Gobble gobble, Trovian! Qubesly here to tell you that Turkeytopia is upon us. Those pesky Dream Gobblers are back, and with Turkofu to spare. Take the Dream Gobbler's down to gather Turkofu up and I'll give you the secrets to learn my family's recipe.
Rewards: Dragon Coin 15
- Super hint: Go to Dragonfire peaks for turkeys.
#2/6: Harvest Vegetables (1)
Turkeytopia 2019 2/6: Chasing down those turkeys has helped me work up quite an appetite. You must be hungry too. Harvest fruits or vegetables using gardening to sate your hunger. I'm thinking of veggies like Qubbage or Bunfeed. You know the stuff.
Rewards: Empowered Gem Box 3
#3/6: Defeat Recipe Dungeons (15)
Turkeytopia 2019 3/6: You're looking a little less peckish now. If you want to learn my family recipe you're going to need some other recipes to help bring it all together. Clear out some recipe dungeons to help get your head in the right place.
Rewards: Qubesly's Family Secrets 1
#4/6: Learn My Family Recipe (1)
Turkeytopia 2019 4/6: I think you are finally ready to learn my family's recipe. I've given you a few hints that you can put together with other recipes at the crafting bench to learn my family recipe.
Rewards: Cranberry Pilotl
#5/6: Cook Turkofu Cornucopia (1)
Turkeytopia 2019 5/6: You've learned my secrets, Trovian. You're part of the family now. Cook a Turkofu Cornucopia up so I can make sure you're crafting with the right amount of love.
Rewards: Lustrous Gem Box 3
#6/6: Eat Turkofu Cornucopia (1)
Turkeytopia 2019 6/6: That Turkofu Cornucopia looks amazing, but its meant for eating, not for looking. Pop that Turkofu Cornucopia into your food hole and let me know how it tastes. Happy Turkeytopia!
Rewards: Empowered Gem Box 3
Daily Rewards (Mini-Adventures)
- 2019-11-19: Gather an Ore Rewards:
Chaos Chest 10
- 2019-11-20: Upgrade a Gem Rewards:
Lustrous Gem Box 3
- 2019-11-21: Complete an Adventure Rewards:
Empowered Gem Box 3
- 2019-11-22: Complete a Challenge Rewards:
Dragon Coin 15
- 2019-11-23: Complete a Dungeon Rewards:
Double Experience Potion 1
- 2019-11-24: Trigger Magic Find Rewards:
Lucky Clover 1
- 2019-11-25: Gather a Key Fragment Rewards:
Lunar Soul 5
- 2019-11-26: Gather an Ore Rewards:
Chaos Chest 10
- 2019-11-27: Upgrade a Gem Rewards:
Lustrous Gem Box 3
- 2019-11-28: Complete an Adventure Rewards:
Empowered Gem Box 3
- 2019-11-29: Complete a Challenge Rewards:
Dragon Coin 15
- 2019-11-30: Complete a Dungeon Rewards:
Double Experience Potion 1
- 2019-12-01: Trigger Magic Find Rewards:
Lucky Clover 1
- 2019-12-02: Gather a Key Fragment Rewards:
Lunar Soul 5